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That man is a product of creation makes more sense than any other theory of the origin of man, e.g. evolution. The first book of the Holy Scriptures tells us that God created the first man, Adam. Genesis 1:1 states: "In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth." After the Grand Creator made all the necessities to support life he created man. The account of Genesis continues: "And God went on to say: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let them have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and the domestic animals and all the earth and every moving animal that is moving upon the earth." And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them and God said to them: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth." So here is the most satisfying explanation of man's origin. Hebrews 3:4 puts it simply: "Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God".

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Divine Creation. Here are some arguments for Creation or against Evolution.

These point to Divine Creation:

  • The staggering complexity of every organ and every cell in the human body.
  • The vastness of our minds and emotions.
  • The fact that the universe has definite design, order, and arrangement which cannot be sufficiently explained outside a theistic worldview. (This is how Abraham, without benefit of teachers, came to reject the chaotic world-view of idolatry and the possibility of atheism). For example, theoretical physicist and popular science writer Paul Davies (whose early writings were not especially sympathetic to theism) states concerning the fundamental structure of the universe, "the impression of design is overwhelming" (Davies, 1988, p. 203).
  • The laws of the universe seem to have been set in such a way that stars, planets and life can exist. Many constants of nature appear to be finely tuned for this, and the odds against this happening by chance are astronomical.
See: More detailed evidence of Creation


1) The glaring lack of transitional fossils has been noted by the evolutionists themselves, such as this statement from the famous paleontologist and evolutionist George G. Simpson; quote: "The regular lack of transitional fossils is not confined to primates alone, but is an almost universal phenomenon."
"The lack of transitional series cannot be explained as being due to the scarcity of material. The deficiencies are real; they will never be filled" (Nilsson, N. Heribert).
"To the unprejudiced, the fossil record of plants is in favor of special creation" (Corner, E.J.H., Contemporary Botanical Thought).
2) Instances of falsifying of evidence by evolutionists, such as Haeckel's drawings, Archaeoraptor, the Cardiff "specimen," and Piltdown Man.
"Haeckel exaggerated the similarities [between embryos of different species] by idealizations and omissions, in a procedure that can only be called fraudulent. His drawings never fooled embryologists, who recognized his fudgings right from the start. The drawings, despite their noted inaccuracies, entered into the standard student textbooks of biology. Once ensconced in textbooks, misinformation becomes cocooned and effectively permanent, because textbooks copy from previous texts. We do, I think, have the right to be both astonished and ashamed by the century of mindless recycling that has led to the persistence of these drawings in a large number, if not a majority, of modern textbooks (Stephen Gould).
Dr. Jonathan Wells published a book in 2002 entitled Icons of Evolution. Dr. Wells states that the book shows that "the best-known 'evidences' for Darwin's theory have been exaggerated, distorted or even faked."

3) Creationists see the "survival of the fittest" and the dating of rock layers by fossils as being perfect tautologies.

4) The fact that some qualified, educated, normal scientists do not believe in evolution. Or at least question it, even if they still preach evolution: "Nine-tenths of the talk of evolutionists is sheer nonsense, not founded on observation and wholly unsupported by facts. This museum is full of proofs of the utter falsity of their views. In all this great museum, there is not a particle of evidence of the transmutation of species" (Dr. Etheridge, Paleontologist of the British Museum).
"To postulate that the development and survival of the fittest is entirely a consequence of chance mutations seems to me a hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts. It amazes me that this is swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for such a long time, by so many scientists without murmur of protest" (Sir Ernest Chain, Nobel Prize winner).

5) The fact that there is a shared, worldwide tradition among every ancient society that the world was created.

6) Evolving of new organs or species has not been witnessed during known history.

7) Mutations are harmful, not beneficial. One of the tasks of DNA and of long-term breeding is to avoid or repair any changes brought about by mutations. This means that our genetic apparatus is programmed to resist change.

8) Mutations, even if beneficial, do not create new organs.

9) The fact that a great number of fossils have been found in the "wrong" rock-layers according to what evolutionary Paleontology would require.

10) The fact that you need DNA to make DNA. No genetic code can be demonstrated to have arisen by chance, together with the ability to read that code and carry out its instructions. Information does not arise spontaneously; and there is an incredible amount of information in even the tiniest cell.
"A living cell is so awesomely complex that its interdependent components stagger the imagination and defy evolutionary explanations" (Michael Denton, author).
"The astounding structural complexity of a cell" (U.S. National Library of Medicine).
Concerning a single structure within a cell: "Without the motor protein, the microtubules don't slide and the cilium simply stands rigid. Without nexin, the tubules will slide against each other until they completely move past each other and the cilium disintegrates. Without the tubulin, there are no microtubules and no motion. The cilium is irreducibly complex. Like a mousetrap, it has all the properties of design and none of the properties of natural selection" (Michael Behe, prof. of biophysics).

11) The problem of the impossibility of abiogenesis in general. "The concept of abiogenesis is not science. It's fantasy" (J.L. Wile, Ph.D.).

12) The fact that evolution was once used as support for the belief that Blacks (or others) are less than highly-evolved humans. "Darwin was also convinced that the Europeans were evolutionarily more advanced than the black races" (Steven Rose, author). He also "reasoned that males are more evolutionarily advanced than females" (B. Kevics, author).

13. The first and second laws of thermodynamics point clearly to a Creator, since things undergo entropy rather than get more orderly over time.

14. "Radiometric techniques may not be the absolute dating methods that they are claimed to be. Age-estimates on a given geological stratum by different radiometric methods are often very different. There is no absolutely reliable long-term radiological clock. The uncertainties inherent in radiometric dating are disturbing to geologists and evolutionists." William D. Stansfield, Ph.D., Instructor of Biology, California Polytechnic State University.

15. "Even total rock systems may be open during metamorphism and may have their isotopic systems changed, making it impossible to determine their geologic age." Prof. Gunter Faure (Department of Geology, The Ohio State University, Columbus.)

16 a). At current rates of erosion the amount of sea-floor sediments actually found do not support a "billions of years" age for the Earth.
b) The amount of Sodium Chloride in the sea, also, is a small fraction of what the "old Earth" theory would postulate.
c) The Earth's magnetic field is decaying too fast to extrapolate a long age for the Earth.
d) The rate of accumulation of Moon-dust has been measured; and the amount of dust on the Moon was found to be vastly less than what scientists had predicted before the Moon-landings.

See: Problems in Evolutionary astronomy

And: Evidence of a young Earth

e) Helium is generated by radioactive elements as they decay. The escape of this helium into the atmosphere can be measured. According to the Evolutionary age of the Earth there should be much more helium in the atmosphere, instead of the 0.05% that is actually there.Also see:

God's wisdom seen in His creations

More about God's wisdom

Dissent against Darwin

The facts

Discovering Creation

Understanding Creation

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8y ago

Which one I prefer is irrelevant to science. Because I might prefer a nice, romantic explanation for where we came from or, perhaps, why the stars move across the sky, will not change the facts established by scientists. We know that evolution has occurred, and we know that stars appear to move across the sky because of planetary motion. The corresponding religious stories had a place in society when we needed answers that science was not yet able to supply, but those days are long past. The Theory of Evolution explains the evolutionary process that actually occurred on earth.

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What effect did darwins theory of evolution have on religious thought in america?

Darwin's theory of evolution sparked debates and challenges within religious communities in America. Some religious groups saw it as contradicting their beliefs in creationism, while others incorporated evolution into their understanding of how life developed. Overall, it led to a reevaluation of traditional religious beliefs and interpretations of scripture.

What was the reaction from a religious point of view of Darwin's theory of evolution?

Some religious groups initially rejected Darwin's theory of evolution because it challenged traditional interpretations of creation found in religious texts. However, over time, many religious scholars and groups have found ways to reconcile evolution with their beliefs, leading to various interpretations where evolution is seen as a process guided by a higher power.

How do religious believers respond to scientific explanations of the world?

Some religious believers may accept scientific explanations as complementary to their faith, seeing them as ways to better understand the world created by their deity. Others may reject or question scientific explanations that conflict with their religious teachings, choosing to interpret them in ways that support their faith. Ultimately, responses vary among individuals and can depend on specific beliefs, interpretations, and understandings of both science and religion.

A cantata must be written on a religious or sacred theme?

A cantata is a musical composition for voices and instruments, often with a religious or sacred text. It is typically performed in a church or other religious setting and is composed to convey a religious message or story through music. Cantatas can vary in length and complexity, but they all share the common theme of religious or sacred content.

Do all Christians believe in creationism?

No, not all Christians believe in creationism. Some Christians believe in a literal interpretation of the creation story in the Bible, while others believe in theistic evolution or accept scientific explanations for the origins of the universe. Different Christian denominations and individuals may have varying beliefs on this topic.

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The three approaches in the story of man?

1. Evolution theory 2. Creation theory 3. Big-bang theory

What effect did darwins theory of evolution have on religious thought in america?

Darwin's theory of evolution sparked debates and challenges within religious communities in America. Some religious groups saw it as contradicting their beliefs in creationism, while others incorporated evolution into their understanding of how life developed. Overall, it led to a reevaluation of traditional religious beliefs and interpretations of scripture.

Why is evolution controversal?

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms is a fact and is only controversial among a vanishingly few ideologues and practically no scientists. The theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by over 95% of all scientists and is not controversial among the scientific community because it has been observed and tested for 150 years. There are some religious ideologues who can not accept the evidences that refute their creation story, so they make evolutionary theory only controversial politically.

Why is evolution so controversal?

Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms is a fact and is only controversial among a vanishingly few ideologues and practically no scientists. The theory of evolution by natural selection is supported by over 95% of all scientists and is not controversial among the scientific community because it has been observed and tested for 150 years. There are some religious ideologues who can not accept the evidences that refute their creation story, so they make evolutionary theory only controversial politically.

What were the Victorian reactions to the Jekyll and Hyde story?

They were shocked by it. They were unsure about the way that Darwins theory of evolution was put across within the novella.

What are true about evolution?

Some true statements about evolution:Evolution is the best explanation we have for the origin of speciesEvolution is accepted by scientists as factThe Theory of Evolution has contributed enormously to the understanding of BiologyThe Theory of Evolution has been used successfully to predict the discovery of an ancient speciesFor more information, please visit:

Why is evolution disputed?

It appears that evolution is not disputed because it is obviously in error - if it were, then scientists would have abandoned the theory long ago. It is disputed because some see the Theory of Evolution as inconsistent with a literal reading of the Bible and thus likely to undermine faith. For more information, please visit:

What is the Jewish explanation for where did people come from?

Most of us accept the theory of Evolution. The story of Adam and Eve is a metaphor intended to remind us that we are all of one family.

Who proposed the theory of theistic evolution?

The term 'Theistic Evolution' was used by Eugenie Scott to refer to the theological view that God creates through evolution. Theistic evolution is not a scientific theory, but a particular view about how the science of evolution could relate to religious belief and interpretation.For more information, please visit:

Where did the theory of natural selection fall short?

It didn't, actually. While natural selection isn't the complete story of evolution, it is the single most important part of it, and all discussions of evolution must inevitably involve natural selection in some form.

Where Adam and Eve came from?

According to the story in the book of Genesis in the Bible, they were made by the hand of God.According to the theory of evolution, the provableevidence points to the first people having evolved in Africa.

Does science contradict evolution?

Darwin said that in the future fossil records would either prove or disprove his theory, and the giants gaps in the records are to quick. Even if a group of fossilized species it doesn't show a slow progression of a creature changing as Evolution states, it shows quick sudden changes.-