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No I dont think puppies would eat it if its cold

I assume that since this question is posted under the desserts section, you must be asking about the puppy chow made with chex mix, chocolate and peanut butter. You can put it in the fridge, but you don't have to....

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Q: Do you put puppy chow in the refrigerator?
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What if a chow chow puppy is born?

Chow puppies are the most adorable, they need the same care as any other puppy puppy chow is amazing!!

How do you put cow and chow in a verse?

What's the matter with that doggone cow? She ate a whole bag of Puppy Chow.

When was the dessert puppy Chow invented?

Who invented puppy chow mix?

Do you have to make puppy chow with life?

no u look up how to make puppy chow for puppies or how to make puppy chow for dogs why would you make it with life?

Can the word chow used as a noun?

Yes! In fact in the term "puppy chow", chow is used as a noun because puppy is the adjective that describes chow!

Why is puppy chow called puppy chow?

Because it is food made especially for puppies.

What type of puppy should I get?

puppy chow

Why is the dog food puppy chow called puppy chow?

because puppy chow has special vitamins in it that dog chow doesnt . . . its like how kids need extra vitamins so that they are healthy when the are adults!

What websites offer a good puppy chow recipe?

A website that offers good puppy chow would be YourCupOfCake. YourCupOfCake contains a large variety of good puppy chow recipes you can choose from. One delicious one revealed on the site is Cookies and Cream Puppy Chow.

What does a pitt bull and chow chow puppy look like?

A chow chow looks like a cuddly lion.

What does puppy's eat?

grammar books. the puppy must have eaten yours.

Do you have to have chocolate to make puppy chow?
