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Yes. If there are any pinworm eggs around your anus, they will stick to the tape and you can see them under the microscope.

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Q: Do you put tape on your butt to see if you have pin worms?
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Pinworms can be detected if you put a piece of scotch tape around the anus at night. When you wake up, the tiny white worms will be stuck to the tape. Your Dr can give you medication, or he may ask you give some stool sample for an ova and parasite test.

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A "pin-up" is a picture of a sexy person that you "pin up" (or tape up or whatever) on your wall. By extension, a "pin-up" is a person who looks like someone whose picture you'd like to put on your wall!

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A "pin-up" is a picture of a sexy person that you "pin up" (or tape up or whatever) on your wall. By extension, a "pin-up" is a person who looks like someone whose picture you'd like to put on your wall!

What are the white worms coming from your butt and how do you get rid of them?

Not unless you are infested with them... it's not healthy to have worms living in you. The most common worm to live inside a human is the Threadworm (or Pinworm). Threadworms are tiny little white worms, about 3cm long. The female worms lay their eggs in your gut which go down to the rectum (butt). These eggs are coated in a sticky white substance which causes the butt to get itchy, or tickly when the worms move. If you're a girl, then the female may move forwards and lay her eggs in your vagina. In the UK, these worms are more likely to be on kids. When you itch your butt, sometimes people won't wash their hands and the next time you put your fingers in your mouth is when the worms under your nails will travel down your throat to your gut once again. This is a lifecycle. Consult your doctor if you think you have worms. He'll give you a tablet which starves the worms to death.

How do you put on a button?

Find a button. Put the button in your hand. Push the pin down. Move the pin away from latch. Put pin in shirt. Close pin in latch. Now wear your pin

How do you tell the difference between pinworm and tape worm and if you have it in your stomache?

Tape worms can be distinguished from pin worms in that they are flat and long. The only way is to have a doctor put a camera down your throat into the stomach. There may be other tests (stool samples are one example) but any of them require seeing a doctor. Unless of course you have the stomach (LOL) for testing your own stools and have access to a microscope and the training to use it. Pinworms come out at night to lay eggs. They cause noticable discomfort when they do this. They are about 1-3 mm long, thin and white. They can be caught rolling tape across the anus. Requires meds for treatment or at the very least stringent hygene to avoid reswallowing eggs and prolonging the infection.

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Put your ear inside the sock. If the sock does not stay on that way, you could use a clothes-pin to pinch it to your ear.

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Because they are nerds: Acutally no, that person who just answered it is just stupid, anyways, if i put tape on my glasses does that classify me as a nerd? No, but anyways some people put tape on the middle because when they put their glasses on it feels greasy so if they put tape on it, it doesnt :)

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there is a wire running back that is taped up. You may have to unwrap all the tape to find it. Then you take that wire and put it in the middle pin.

Should you put worms in your plants?

Yep. Its healthy. If you what to make it really grow, you put poo in it. No you don't put worms in it! Poo in the plant? Worms in the plant! Hahah! Who would ask that question!

Is scanner is an input or put put?

Its a butt.