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If it's for something you're really down on and it cheered you up, yes!

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Q: Do you send a thank you note to someone who sends you a sympathy card?
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Are thank you notes required in response to sympathy cards?

No, it is not necessary to send a Thank You card when someone sends you a Get Well card, but a phone call to that person would be nice and thank them for being there and thinking of you.

Should you send a thank you card to send to someone who sends you a birthday card?

You do not need to send a thank you card for a birthday or holiday card; however, you should send that person a birthday card on HIS/HER next birthday. Holiday cards should be reciprocated as appropriate. Just thank them when you receive the gift or by phone

How do you write Filipino sympathy card?

Thank you for your sympathy and kindness. It is of great comfort to know that you are thinking of us during our time of sorrow.

Do you acknowledge sympathy cards?

If someone simply sends a card with a one-line message, I wouldn't have thought it did not need acknowledging. On the other hand, letters or moving and apt messages should be acknowledged in due course.No, it is not necessary to acknowledge sympathy cards, but when one feels up to it and if they receive flowers or extra help from friends or neighbors then thank you notes would be applicable.

How do you thank people for expression of sympathy?

Just saying "I'm sorry to hear your mom died." Sending a Sympathy card. Sending flowers to a funeral home. Giving a bereaved person a hug. These are all expressions of sympathy.

Do you send a thank you card for a sympathy card?

thank you very much for your information that you give us i wish bright future for all of you . with best Regard Rafiqullah Masoom Kabul Afghanitan

Do you need to thank a person everytime you get a greeting card?

No, you do not have to send a Thank You Card for a card you received, but it would be nice if the person lives in the same town as you to phone them and thank them. If they live out of town then send them an email and thank them for thinking of you.

Thank you for your gift?

When someone gives you a gift, it is basic etiquette to send the person a thank you card. The card can be very basic just saying 'thank you'.

When do you write a thank you card?

You write a thank you card when someone has given you something or helped you out in some sort of way. Hope I helped :)

Do you give a sympathy card to someone whose ex mother-in-law died?

of course you do. You should send a sympathy card to to anyone who has lost a loved one. You Ex should appreciate you for this. Always send a sympathy card to someone who has lost a loved one, even if it is your enemy. It is very hard losing someone, trust me i should know, and even the smallest "i'm sorry for your loss." helps a lot.

How do you address the sympathy wishes you received for a memorial?

A simple plain thank you card for their sympathies at your time of loss would be appropriate. Sorry to hear of any loss.

What are some thank you cards examples?

Thank you cards can be sent for several occasions. A thank you card can be sent when someone has done you a favour. A thank you card can also be sent for wedding guests, wedding presents, birthday guests.