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Generally, if the child is still under the age of 18 you will still have to pay child support. However, there are generally provisions allowing you to re-evaluate child support amount and payments. Talk to the mother, and see if you can settle something out of court. However, if you have a legal binding document saying you have to pay, then you still have to pay.

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Q: Do you still pay child support if the child has a child and does not live with the mother?
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If a mother gets child support from the child's father and the child begins to live on their own before the child support ends does the child get the child support or the mother still?

It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

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If the father is not living with the child and has some income other than public assistance, yes.

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In Missouri, after 30 days the support can stop, but in most states, a modification motion needs to be filed with the courts.

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Yes, however he should file an injunction to have the child returned.

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yes, he always should pay child support because she is his child.

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If you do not live with the child or directly support them you do.

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The assumption would be if the couple are residing together and the child lives with them then they are supporting said child. therefore a court order for child support would not be relevant nor possible.

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No, the father has to pay child support for both children. Of course the child that decides to live with him will be treated as he/she were when you were both married, but the child you have will still continue to receive child support by law!

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I would assume the mother pays her daughter the child support since the child cost money. If the move is permanent you have to speak to the court and have it changed so it goes to her daughter instead.

Can a mother who is being diagnosed with bipolar disorder be forced to pay child support?

The only way a mother can be forced to pay child support in any state, is if she does not have primary custody of the child. If the child or children live primarily with the father, then the mother can be made to pay child support.

If mother has primary custody can she send child to live with relatives without fathers permission Do you still have to pay mother child support if mother and son live in different states?

No she absolutely cannot do that. In fact, wherever she lives, she isn't legally authorized to leave the state with those kids WITHOUT your written consent. If you agree and it's in writing, she can take the kids to another state and, no matter where they are, child support still applies.

You are trying to find out about back child support you live in Texas and your two stepchildren have both graduated high school Their biological father still owes back child support?

Only the mother has standing to learn that