

Do you sweat in the shower?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Sweating is the body's way of cooling it down when it is too hot.

Heat is radiated through the skin and also it is radiated into water and goes to the outside of the skin were the warm water(sweat) is evaporated from the surface giving a cooling effect on the skin. (Basic Principle)

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13y ago

Yes. It works just like a sauna, you may not notice it but your bodies temperature rises when your in the shower under hot water, causing you to sweat.

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yes you do have to take a shower when you sweat because your body is filled with bacteria and when bacteria and sweat comes together it makes you smell really bad so thats why you should :) i hope this helps :D

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The best way to reduce sweat in a fast way is to take a shower.

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Because you don't shower enough.

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yes, you can. you should shower as usual, but you will probably need to shower more regulary. If you don't shower, you can start to smell not just of sweat. there is no reason for you not to shower on your period. i hope this helps

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Kk so ngl, I shower in the morning because when I sleep, I sweat. So like...

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Yes, yes it does. Once you hit puberty it makes you smell like you haven't had a shower in about 3 days. Which is why your supposed to take a shower after you excercise or sweat on hot days? Ring a bell? Hope this helps!

Is it harmful to dry your sweat on your back?

No. But unless you shower regularly you'll eventually get smelly.

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No, when you sweat the sweat evaporates and takes the heat away

Why might your face burn when you become upset or when you sweat or take a shower and what can you do about it?

Well, when you take a shower, the steam gets to you and it's so hot that you start to get hot. Same thing as when you sweat, it's natural. Also when you get upset, you turn red or as in you are angry.