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Yes, without it the Japanese would probably never surrender.

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Q: Do you think the US was wrong for bombing Japan?
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What the propaganda of bombing Japan?

The US bombed Japan to elliminate the leader of japan

Who were involved in the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki?

The US and Japan .

What did the US do to Japan after the attack?

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the US declared war on Japan and on the Central Powers.

What would have stopped the bombing of Japan?

Them bombing us first.

What was the outcome after US bombed Japan?

Japan agreed to surrender about a week after the Nagasaki bombing.

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What did the u.s. do after the bombing of pearl Harbor What did the US do after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

FDR declared war on the Japan

How did the bombing between the us and japan start?

Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii first. Later the US was able to have revenge and they bombed Japan.

What does the bombing of Hiroshima have to do with the relations of japan and US?

After the atomic bombs, Japan surrender unconditionally since then, nothing happen in Japan without the US knowing it.

How did the bombing in japan change US history?

The US became the only nation with nuclear weapons .

Did the us get pay back on japan for bombing Pearl Harbor?

Yes, America entering the war ended the Depression

Site of massive us bombing raid in march 1945?

Tokyo , Japan .