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He declared war.

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Q: What did the President of the US think about the bombing on Pearl Harbor?
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What did the Japanese think after bombing Pearl Harbor?

They thought they won. and they owned the U.S.A ._. PATHEtic

What are some opinions about the bombing of pearl harbor?

that some people think it was unfair because the untied states did not want to get invloved

Was japan in the axis alliance?

I beleive so. I think they were responsible for the bombing in pearl harbor, which was part of WW2. Im no expert though.

What did most people in Japan think about the attack on Pearl Harbor?

While the Japanese government and military thought the Pearl Harbor bombing was a real victory and blessing. However, the Japanese people did not share those views all through the country.

How did us defeat japan during Pearl Harbor attack?

Because Pearl Harbor was only one military base in the US out of 737 total. The attack on Pearl Harbor killed 2390 people. The US military has over one million enlisted personnel. It would be like removing one bee from a bee hive and wondering why you still got stung by the other bees.

What ship in pearl harbor was sank in 9 min?

The usa harbor........i think

Why do you think it took until the attack on Pearl Harbor for the US to participate in World War 2?

I believe the United States wanted to remain neutral during the second war. They were intending to rebuild and rebounce back from WW1. The bombing on Pearl Harbor basically made them mad enough and gave them a reason to fight

How many died from the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

I'm not sure but I think it was around 2,240 deaths. I think it was Americas second largest crime scene. Pretty bad.

What is one reason that the United States entered world war 2?

I really don't think that there was any other reason for the United States entering the war. The American public was against another war and didn't want to enter WW2 after WW1. But after the attack on Pearl Harbor everything changed in a day and we entered the War with the American people's blessing. 1) Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and declared war on Britain, the USA, Canada & Australia on 7/12/41. 2) Germany & Italy declared war on the USA on 11/12/41. 3) Bulgaria, Romania & Hungary declared war on the USA on 13/12/41.

Did America know that japan was bombing pearl harbor?

i guess not......bcoz if they knew they would start prevention procedures. i think they had a hunch as they started defending and rescue operations pretty fast. I don't know for sure though

Did America provoke Japan?

I don't think so, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and America retaliated by bombing Japan with a nuclear warhead, the impact on Japan was so catastrophic that they didn't want to touch America again.

When Did Pearl Harbor End?

about 2 or 3 hours after it started i think