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Q: Do you use a comma before a movie title in a sentence?
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Does the comma go before or after the quotation marks if it's in the middle of the sentence and if it's the title of an article?

The comma goes before the closing quotation mark when it's part of the title of an article within a sentence, as in "The New York Times," reported on the topic.

Do you use a comma before a book title when you say her book entitled Snow Country?

You would put a comma before a book title. The sentence you want to write might go - her book, Snow Country, was read by millions.

Do you use a comma before III?

No, typically a comma is not used before "III" when it follows a name or title.

Is there a comma after MD in a person's title?

No, before ... as in: Marcus Welby, MD

How are movie titles written in a sentence?

One way to write movie titles in a sentence is by putting quotes around the movie title. You can also under the movie title.

Do you underline a movie title in a sentence?


Does there need to be a comma after a proper name?

Yes, a comma is necessary when a proper name is followed by additional information like a title or description. For example, in the sentence "John Smith, the CEO of the company, will be speaking at the event," a comma is used after "John Smith" to separate it from "the CEO of the company."

Do you put a comma before quotation marks around a song title?

No, that wouldn't be necessary. Here is the exception. If you are using an appositive phrase, you will need to use a comma before and after the song title. Example: In their most recent song, "The God that Failed," Metallica rocks.

Is movie title to be capitalized in a sentence?

Yes, it is.

When writing a sentence does a comma go after the year before continuing with your sentence?

No, a comma is not typically used after the year in a sentence unless it specifically requires punctuation for clarity or emphasis. Generally, you can continue the sentence without a comma after the year.

Is there a comma after a person's title?

Usually after a persons title there is a period (.)

Is a comma used to separate a title and person's name such as Alumnus Scott?

No, a comma is not used to separate a title and a person's name. Instead, a comma is used to separate the title from other information or to separate items in a list. In the case of "Alumnus Scott," no comma is necessary.