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Only if it's necessary. For example, Iodine is best for dipping the navel on newborn calves to keep it from getting infected, and for dipping teats in before milking for commercial dairy operations. Iodine is also used as a supplement in loose mineral for cattle to eat.

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Q: Do you use iodine on cows?
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You should not use Betadine if a patient is allergic to iodine. Betadine contains approximately 1% iodine, which could be enough to cause an allergic reaction.

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When does iodine deficiency occur?

When there is insufficient intake of Iodine. Food most rich in Iodine originate from the lower region near the sea. Fore example if cows eat grass which has grown in Iodine rich soil, the milk will be rich in Iodine too. People who suffer from Iodine deficiency mostly live in high relief, rural areas with access to just local food, fore example in Himalaya region.

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yes cows do use their horns for fighting

What cleaning products use iodine?

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What is in Iodine?

There is nothing 'inside' of Iodine. Iodine is a Pure Substance, otherwise known as an Element, therefore it has nothing more in it than it's building blocks, which aren't exactly 'in' Iodine either, Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, and Quarks.

What are the nutritional benefits of iodine?

Iodine is very useful for our body. Iodine deficiency can cause thyroid. So just check your iodine level in your salt which you are using in your food. Better use Iodine Salt.

Why use iodine when preparing slide for viewing?

one disadvantage of using iodine to stain cells is that iodine will kill living cells.

What is the use of Iodine in gram stains?

The iodine in the gram stain serves as a mordant or fixative.

What is the chermical you test for starch?

Starch has high affinity for Iodine and in presence of iodine crystals starch turns blue from being colourless. This the fundamental that is used for chemically identifying the starch.

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