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Either, but there is usually a rubber washer supplied with the fitting that is better.

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Q: Do you use putty or silicone around drain when installing a shower unit?
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When installing a shower drain in a concrete floor how do you determine the height of the drain which will protrude through the concrete?

First determine what you are going to install as the shower unit. If there is to be no shower unit and it will just drain through the concrete floor, then it will be flush with the floor. If you are installing a unit, then you need to look at the unit to determine the distance obove the concrete to place the drain.

When installing a shower can the drain be placed in front of the toilet without concern?

I can be but the toilet needs to have 24" in front of it to be legal. Plus you cannot tie your shower drain in the the horizontal branch of the toilet.

Can you install a shower stall over a cement floor?

If you have a drain available. You may need to chip some concrete around the drain to install the bottom half of the drain. With that in place, set the shower over it and the top piece screws into the drain to form a seal. You can build a 2x4 frame and raise the shower up enough to run a drain to a sump or a floor drain.

Is it more hygienic to bath or shower?

Shower. In a bath you have all the dirt floating around you, whereas it goes down the drain in the shower.

What is the black stuff around your drain or on your shower curtain?

Mold - use javex

Is the shower drain has a ubend or straight pipe?

Shower drain goes into a trap under shower. Continue piping from trap to drain line.

How do you know if shower pipe is clogged?

Water won't drain from shower. Either trap or shower drain line is clogged.

What kind of plumbing is needed for a shower?

One can use many different varieties of pipes when installing the plumbing for a shower. PVC, CPVC, and ABS are all adequate for the job. The crucial piece for such a job, however, is a T-pipe, which needs to be connected directly to the drain.

Could bowel movements in the shower plug shower drain?


What is the size needed for a shower drain?

typically shower drains are 2"

What is a shower roughen?

A shower rough-in usually refers to the distance from the wall to the center of the shower drain , measured out away from both walls in a shower to the center of the drain. It also maybe referring to the height and the center line of the placement of the shower valve.

What are the steps to make a complete shower after the drain is set?

The center of the shower floor where the tile shower drain would normally be positioned ... drain base. After this step the sloped mortar bed should be ... pan liner or membrane in our instructions.