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Q: Do you use the skin of the king cobra for anything?
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Use the word king cobra in a sentence?

King cobra is the king of snakes.

What does a King Cobra use as a shelter?


Has the King Cobra been associated with rulers and religion?

The King Cobra has been around for years, they use charmers by their punji(which is a flutelike instrument)

What type of shelter does a king cobra make or use?


What does a cobra use to eat?

The king cobra swallows its struggling prey while its toxins begin the digestion of its victim.

How can a king cobra get away from its predator?

They don't they have venal and it ain't afraid to use it

How do you cure a king cobra bite in the 1850s?

today we use anti-venom but back then that wasn't invented yet so there was not a cure. The mortality rate for an untreated king cobra bite is 75%

Why does a king cobra use camouflage?

it helps them locate prey and be hard for predators to find

What is stronger a king cobra or a python?

the black mamba is defintely the more poisonous of the 2 snakes. the black mamba has more powerful venom than the king cobra. also king cobras are relatively slow as compared to other snakes.

Do king cobras sqweese?

Nope - Members of the Cobra family use highly potent venom.

What is the longest venomus snake?

The longest venomous snake in the world is the King Cobra, with one specimen reaching over 18.5 feet long. The appropriate word to use is "venomous", not "poisonous", because venom refers to a toxin that is injected by the animal, whereas poisonous animals are those who spread their toxin by being ingested or through contact with the skin.

What is a mating ritual for the king cobra?

Competing males "dance" together--they hood up and then press their heads together and which male is able to push the other male's head or lifted up body to the ground wins the chance to mate with the female King Cobra....this technique is also employed for deciding territory --- and snake handlers use it to make the king cobra submissive to handle and care for it.