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Yes, at some point they end up drinking. Especially freshman year in college (before 21). :)

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Q: Do young teen girls who are good kids don't fit the norm and have no intention of drinking end up doing so especially before turning twenty one?
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Do young teen girls who are good kids don't follow the others and have no intention of drinking end up doing so especially before turning twenty one?

There is no way to predict with certainty whether a young teen girl who is a good kid and does not follow others will end up drinking before turning twenty one. Factors such as peer pressure, individual choices, and environmental influences all play a role in determining a person's behavior. It is important for parents to communicate openly with their children about the risks associated with underage drinking and to provide guidance and support.

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Drinking Alcohol is bad for the human body. Especially teens. The teenage brain has not finished developing. So what happenes is the brain gets damaged before it even finishes growing. Drinking Alcohol is bad for the human body. Especially teens. The teenage brain has not finished developing. So what happenes is the brain gets damaged before it even finishes growing.

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