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Q: Doctors told you that you were having a miscarriage on monday you have brown spotting and absolutely no pain It is now Thursday when will the cramps begin and when will the tissue pass?
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Your wife is 6 weeks pregnant and has noticed brown spotting and What should we do and Is she experiencing a miscarriage?

u need to take her to the doctors or Emergency Room As Soon As Posible

Can you be at home and have a miscarriage?

You can have a natural miscarriage at home, that can happen anywhere. An abortion on the other hand, a induced miscarriage, you can only get at the doctors.

What should you do if you think you've had a miscarriage?


If you are 7 weeks' pregnant with a urinary infection why would you have a little bit of bloody discharge?

First of all, you need to make sure you got to the doctors asap, because a urinary tract infection can be hazourdous to the baby. The bleeding would also worry me. I am now 9 weeks pregnant and I have had a miscarriage before and it was what I thought was "spotting", but it was indeed a miscarriage. So the BEST thing for you to do would be to go to the doctors and get both of them checked out just to rest assure the baby is ok.

How do you tell the difference between a miscarriage and a threatened miscarriage?

A miscarriage means you have definitely lost the baby, there is usually lots of cramping and clots. A threatened miscarriage means just that, you are still pregnant but may miscarry in the future. Any spotting while pregnant can be called a threatened miscarriage and many women go on to have healthy babies. If you still have signs of pregnancy like swollen and sore breasts it is probably just a threatened miscarriage. Most doctors will order an ultrasound scan to tell for sure. I should think that a blood test (Quantitative HCG) would be more reliable than ultrasound. Levels are decreased in the case of miscarriage, threatened &/incomplete abortion, & if the fetus is dead.

Can you have a miscarriage before you find out the sex of your child?

absolutely...i lost 3 of mine at only 9 might be going through a miscarriage or what the doctors like to say a threatened miscariiage if you are getting brownish pinkish discharge if your belly gets hard when you lay on your back and lift your legs or if your going through the actual miscarriage right now you will even have birth pains because you start to least this is what happened to me.

You think you had a miscarriage 2 months ago but never went to the doctors what do you do?

You go to the doctor.

When you have a miscarriage do you have to go to the doctors?

Yes, since you can have remains left that has to come out or you will be getting infections.

Do doctors have surgery on you when you have a miscarriage?

Sometimes when the miscarriage isn't complete they will do a D&C to remove any tissue remaining and prevent / stop heavy bleeding or infection.

How soon after a miscarriage can pregnancy occur?

A pregnancy after a miscarriage is still possible. As long as the embro or fetus has been complete removed from the uterus. I am one of the many enjoying a pregnancy after feeling the hard grief of a miscarriage.

I'm 8week's pregnant and have slight light brownish spotting could this be a miscarriage?

Unfortunately it sounds as though you may be having a threatened miscarriage. It is nothing to do with having sex yesterday as 8 weeks is one of the times when this may happen. If you continue to cramp and have clots, or you get red blood you need to see your doctor. Good Luck

Did Dolores del Rio have children?

No she never had children. She suffered miscarriage and the doctors advice her not to have children.