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No - The question can't really be answered because it doesn't make sense. Christianity can't have a scientific basis because its not about scientific things. Science is the study of the physical universe, while Christianity is a religion that teaches about spiritual realities that exist outside of the physical universe. If science learned everything that it possibly could about the physical universe the question of whether or not there is a God outside the physical unverse who loves us and sent His Son would still exist. What you should ask if you want to know whether Christianity is credable is: Does Christianity have any historical and philosophical basis? In my own personal opinion it does.

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Yes - In the same way that our participation in life has a scientific basis. For what is science except a knowledge of our surroundings which obviously have been created by God and what could closer to God in our surroundings than our relationship to Him. This realtionship is embodied in Christianity. Scripture on which our knowledge of Christianity is based starts with creation by God who is Living, Infinite Truth and continues from there. If Scripture is based on the truth then Christianity must be at the very heart of science.

Was it Einstein who said that God does not deceive. Maybe people are trying to exclude God from their actions when they claim that God (and therefore Christianity) has nothing to do with science.

Scientific basis for ChristianityThis is question is unclear as to what the questor is looking for. Is there evidence to support the Christian point of view? Yes and no. There are worlds of circumstantial evidence, or evidence which allows the POSSIBILITY for things to occur. Is there anything that can be pointed to which would prove Christianity is true? No, not at this time.

Back to the original question, perhaps you are asking whether or not there is a justification for such an organized body and system of beliefs? Invariably, the answer to that is yes. Religions tie people together, which helps them to survive. It's much easier to scare away the predators when you're in a herd, as opposed to lone individuals. Recent research suggests that there is an actual genetic difference between those who believe, and those who don't.

I hope this helps, because I wasn't entirely sure what you were asking for.

Science and ChristianityThere is no "scientific basis" for Christianity, but that doesn't mean either one is inherently flawed. Science deals with the seen, while Christianity deals with the unseen. Science is based on that which is perceived by the senses; Christianity is based on that which cannot be perceived by the senses. Yes and NoYes, because I personally believed in Jesus sayings just because they are logical to me, in the same way I was able to verify the usefulness of many scientific theories I take advantage of in my daily life.

No, because a good Christian in any known Church needs only to accept whatever his community asks him to believe and do, no matter if it is logical (hence scientific) or not.

So... While I can show, when necessary, how Jesus sayings are logical according to my nature that I was created of, I can't be sure to do the same for most ideas not said by Jesus or not directly related to him. In other words, I believe in Jesus by reason and not by faith. But this is surely not a prerequisite to every believer. This is similar in science, some gets their knowledge by reason, called scientists, while many others are content to believe, based on trust, whatever are said to be scientifically true (may be called, believers in science by faith).

I like adding that if Christianity points to the way how the majority of Christians in the world believes in Jesus, then Christianity has nothing to do with logical reasoning hence science. It is like millions of people who have no choice but believing in atom's theories, based on faith only, because they have no means or times, as some scientists have, to explore the subject by individual tests. Also the scientific aspects of Jesus teachings (aspects that no mature sane person would deny, no matter his culture is) are not allowed to be made public for many reasons and this is off topic here.

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The question asks whether Christianity is based on science. It does not ask for any discussion of The Bible and other religious texts truth or scientific validity. The Bible is not the equivalent of Christianity. The simple and correct answer is no. Christianity is based on the beliefs and traditions of Judaism, with alterations and additions in the form of the teachings of Jesus Christ. None of this is based on science, only on history, faith and somewhat of philosophy.

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Christianity is a religion based on faith and spiritual beliefs rather than scientific evidence. While some Christians may see harmony between their faith and science, the core tenets of Christianity are not scientifically provable and are accepted on the basis of faith.

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