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Q: Does Delaware have any European Influences?
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What is the European influences of Ecuador?

Because they just are.

Who was the first European explorer the Delaware region?

Henry Hudson was there in 1609 but the 1497 John Cabot Expediton was probably the first European visitation.Henry Hudson was the first European to explore the Delaware region.

Why did the European come to Delaware?

why the europeans came to delawere

Was there any Indians in Delaware?

Yes there were Indians in Delaware. Most Delaware Native Americans were forced to migrate westward when European colonists took over the Delaware area. These tribes are not extinct, but except for the descendants of Delaware Indians who assimilated into white society, they do not live in Delaware anymore. Today there are two federally recognized Delaware tribes in Oklahoma and one Delaware Indian tribe in Canada.

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Was the first European to explore the Delaware region.?

Henry Hudson

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Due to early European settlement.

Which European group settled near the Delaware River in 1614?

The Puritans

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They helped keep out European influences

What major influences shaped European civilization?

European civilizations shaped major influences like the religions Judaism and Christianity and Greece and Rome political traditions.

Who is thought to be the first European to encounter what is now Delaware Bay?

Henry Hudson :)