

Does If you love something then let it go really work?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Yes it does. It's a risk the individual would be taking by doing so, but you can't make someone or something love you. By letting it go (freedom) it may well come back to you or keep on going and that's the risk you are going to have to take. If the person doesn't come back to you then there was a good reason why and you are better off.

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Q: Does If you love something then let it go really work?
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tell him u love him and u cant let go. if thst dosent work go in 4 a kiss

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try getting her to your side or just let her go no matter how hard it is. If that doesnt work, then move on. You cant force someone to feel something that they cant.

Thank you let me here?

I love your work

How do you let someone know you really love them?

Tell them

How do you let go of someone you love and they love you back?

If you really love someone and they love you back, you shouldn't have to let them go. However, there are many different situations. The easiest way is to talk to them face to face. Let them know that you love them and you don't want to let them go. Reassure them that you'll always care for them, you'll always be there for them, and that they'll always have a special place in your heart. Maybe later something may happen between the two of you.

What does If you something love something and let it go mean?

If you love something and you let it go, it means you let go of the past. You go on. It can be just letting something like a wild horse free again, into the wild, or knowing somebody you loved died. To let go is just to let it go, to forgive it, but not forget. I have 2 sayings to help you understand this: "If you love something, set it free, and if it loved you, it will come back to you" "Always forgive, but never forget"

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=Well it is hard but if he loves someone else and you really love him you would let him go with his heart and you would let him have what he wants=