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Native animals include the ibex and chamois, brown bear and wolves (found only in protected areas) and deer.

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Q: Does Italy have native animals
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Where did Italy's native animals come from?

From Italy

What are some native animals of Italy?

the miniature rain trout is native to Italy

What native animals are there in Italy?


His their any animals in Italy?

There are heaps of animals in Italy just not native ones. There are animals like wolfs and deer but as I said they are not native. They are found in other places.

What is Italy's native animal?

It is the Italian Wolf (Canis lupus italicus)

What are some native animals to Italy?

Some are: A breed of wild goat called the Mufloni, and the wolf If you google 'What are some animals native to Italy' there are many great websites that can help you further!! I hope this helped!!

Do's Italy have any native animals?

Native animals include the ibex and chamois, brown bear and wolves (found only in protected areas) and deer.

Animals native to Italy?

on the island of gigli in tuscarny there are wild goats called mufloni

What are some native animals to Italy other than the dodo?

yes they have pigens and dogs

What are the Italian Native animals?

Wolves, bears, boars, and peregrines.

What are 2 native animals of Italy?

A mufloni a type of goat and a Parnassus Apollo a type of butterfly.

What native animals are in Italy?

parnassus Apollo - butterfly, mufloni - some type of goat, discoglossus sardo - frog