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While some veterinarians in Kentucky may have vaccinated against EPM in the past, there is no longer and EPM vaccine on the market. Fort Dodge, while able to prove the safety of their vaccine and having it conditionally licensed for several years, could not prove efficacy and so lost the license for the vaccine.

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Q: Does Kentucky vaccinate against EPM
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Do you vaccinate a goat?

No, goats are naturally immune to disease. Depending on the diseases that are in livestock in your district it is recommended to vaccinate goats every six months against the clostridial diseases and in some countries goats are also vaccinated against Johne's disease.

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In the past, it is pretty clear that Jehovah's Witnesses were against vaccinating their children. However, in modern-day times, the teachings seem to not be as strict, and many vaccinate.

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Antibodies to cowpox virus

A sentence with the word vaccinate?

hghahahahahahahhha vaccinate

What is the spelling of vaccinate?

Vaccinate is the correct spelling.

What are the symptoms of EPM?

EPM can present with any number of neurological deficits. Lack of coordination, stumbling, dragging toes and asymmetrical loss of muscle are common signs of EPM. EPM does not present with a fever which is one of the signs used to differentiate it from infectious neurological diseases such as Eastern and Western Equine Encephalitis or West Nile Virus.

Can you get a vaccination to prevent salmonella?

No, Salmonella is caused by bacteria not by viruses. You can only vaccinate against viral diseases.