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Klonopin is a benzo, so yes it shows up on a standard 10 stick drug test. Don't know about the Soma though.

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Q: Does Klonopin and soma combo show up on standard drug screen?
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What is the difference between diazepam and clonazepam in a urine drug screen?

Valium is metabolized to oxazepam Klonopin is metabolized to 7 aminoclonazepam, 7acetylclonazepam, and 3hydroxyclonazepam. Most urine drug screen tests for oxazepam at detection of 300 nanograms. So most drug screen will not detect Klonopin. But some drug screen can test for Klonopin. You never know. Hope that helps you some.

Does Klonopin and Valium show up as the same drug on a 9 panel drug screening?

No. Klonopin is a benzodiazepine and will be routinely checked for in a urine drug screen. I have never encountered a routine screen for Buspar and see it unlikely that it would ever be screened for as it is not a controlled substance.

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What is is klonopin?

Klonopin is a drug that is used to treat panic disorder and seizure disorders.

Can Fluexetine make someone fail a drug test?

no that is generic Prozac a antidepressant-not on a standard drug screen

Does focalin make a drug screen positive?

it is not standard but there is an off chance i will it they are looking for it

Does drug class IV show up on a drug screen?

Depends on what drug you took, for example benzodiazepines (Ativan, Klonopin, Xanax, Valium ect..) WILL show up on a basic drug screen. I recommend asking what they are testing for so then you know in advance, the basics include THC, Benzodiazepines, Opiates (percocets, heroin, morphine) and cocaine.

If ativan will show up differently than Klonopin on a lab drug test you get tested for Klonopin?

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Will Lexapro test positive for a Benzodiazepine in a drug screen?

No, never. Lexapro is an antidepressant, and I do not know of anything that will falsely test positive for benzos, at least on a standard quality drug screen.

Is clonazepam drug tested?

Clonazepam or Klonipin will show up as a benzo on a standard screen.