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Even with age Mitosis continues. It is when mitosis ceases that the organism will die. Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic cells (an organism whose cells contain complex structures enclosed within membranes. ), and the process varies in different species.The process of mitosis is fast and highly complex.

In animals, cytokinesis and mitosis may occur independently, such as in embryonic development. Errors in mitosis can either kill a cell through apoptosis or cause mutations that may lead to certain types of cancer.

If mitosis ceases, an organism will lose the first barrier against infections, such as cells of the immune system. Consequently, in absence of mitosis, the human body would be overrun by a legion of Infectious Diseases, or 'opportunistic' pathogens such as pseudomonas would assume control.

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Mitosis must occur in budding.

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Mitosis occurs during the last phase- Telophase.

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WHO does mitosis occur? GRAMMAR FAIL YOU ARE SO DUMB

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Astral rays does occur in animal cells not in plant cell

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Fertilization does not occur in mitosis. Fertilization signals for the start of mitotic division in embryos.

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These changes usually occur in meiosis not mitosis. It causes a mixing of the alleles.