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Q: Does Mount Kilimanjaro have snow and ice on the summit?
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Is Mount Kilimanjaro close to the equator but has permanent snow and ice on the summit?


Where is there permanent ice in Africa?

The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Is mt everests summit hot?

The summit of Mount Everest is always cold as it is covered in ice and snow

Did snow form on Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa because of the mountains latitude?

Even though Mount Kilimanjaro is in the tropics of Africa, snow forms on it because of the high altitude the cap is in. The ice on the cap can be as thick as 40 meters.

Where in Africa can you find ice year round?

I believe that Mt. Kilamajaro is in Africa somewhere, and given its height, being a mountain, it probably has snow all year round. Mount Kilimanjaro, in Tanzania, Africa, is Africa's highest mountain. Although it very close to the equator it is high enough that the temperature on the summit remains below freezing all year round. On top there is snow and small but permanent glacier of ice. Yep you can find it on Mount Kilimanjaro which is 19340 feet.

What damage did Mount Kilimanjaro do when it last erupted?

lost 82% of its ice cap

Why doesn't mount Everest get snow on the top?

Mount Everest, particularly the upper portion of it, is at a high elevation and therefore is very cold. It is never warm enough there to melt water, so any precipitation will fall in the form of snow.

Why is it difficult to reach the summit on mount Everest?

It is difficult because there are many avalanches there, it is high and someone can fall very easily and injure them self cause the ice snow!!

What happened in 1956 at Mount Kilimanjaro?

ice loss because of land use in 1956.

Is Mount Everest ice?

Mount Everest is made of rock and parts of it are covered by ice and snow

Is there snow all year round on mount Everest?

Yes. And the permanent snow fields are sometimes called glaciers. The altitude is high enough -- making the temperature permanently below freezing -- so that whatever moisture is in the air falls or collects as snow or ice crystals.

Is there water on mount Everest?

Expeditions on Mount Everest do not take any water with them. They melt the snow and ice that is on the mountain to use as there water.