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yes. any kind of soap would kill bed bugs. The way to do is to dissolve the soap in water & spry directly to the bug & its eggs.

you will see the bug dying.

That might kill the few that you see, But there are a hell of alot more hiding thru your whole house, They can spray poisons and throw away certain things BUT that wont get them ALL!! The ONLY way to kill them ALL is to close all the windows and doors then have a huge fan IF you have a basement in the door way of the basement and one at the front door, Then put one of them heaters that look like jet engines behind it, Why you ask?? Bedbugs cant survive to high of a temp, If you can get it to I THINK around 135 F they will all die, But it cant be for a few mins you have to get your house to that temp and have it like that for a few hours or even better a whole day, Of course anything thats alive take out of the house, Thats the only true way to get rid of them ALL!! cuz heat will get into every part of the house cuz poisons cant get everywhere

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Q: Does Murphy's oil soap kill bedbugs?
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Murphys Oil Soap and a cotton cloth.

Where can you buy Murphy's oil soap?

Most stores carry Murphys oil soap. You can try Walmart, Target, etc.

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I like to mop with murphys oil soap because it deodorizes your home and adds a nice shine to your floors.

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murphys oil works great..............

What is the song in the Murphy's oil soap commercial?

I've been using Murphy's Oil Soap on this old house of mine, Now the dirt is finished and the finish is fine. You can use your Murphy's Oil Soap it will make your wood work SHINE and your dirt is finished and the finish is fine! Cleans everything so naturally fine for your health and so _________ I use murphys all the time and my dirt is finished and the finish is fine.

How do you mop a floor spotless?

really it depends on the floor type. laminate, in my opinion, is the easiest to make look spotless, but murphys oil soap can make almost any floor look good. I've found, the best product is murphys oil soap concentrate(or something similar), mixed to the spec of the job required, works great on most surfaces. but really, the key in making the floor spotless is buffing the floor to a shine. whether your just scooting a towl around with your feet, or gettin' down with a nice buffing pad, the only way to get all the spots out is to buff while its still damp (not wet). and the bit of oil in the oil soap acts as a non slip, non stick dusting agent for the floor, too. its like pledge for your floor!

What is the effect of soap on oil?

Soap allows oil to dissolve in water.

How do you polish the wood floor?

BE VERY CAREFUL! Contact the manufacturer of the wood floor if at all possible; they will have very specific recommendations. NO WATER, NO MURPHYS OIL SOAP. If it's a new floor the finish doesn't need wax, if its an old floor it may.

Do soap and oil interact?

Yes because soap is water and oil interacting.