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Q: Does Naomi Scott have a British accent?
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Why does Naomi Scott have an accent?

Naomi Scott has an accent because she was born and raised in London, England. Her accent is a result of growing up in that environment and speaking with a British English pronunciation.

Is naomi Scott spanish?

No, Naomi Scott is not Spanish. She is an English actress and singer, born in London, England.

Does Naomi Scott from lemonade mouth have a British accent?

Yes, she does. She was born in england. On of her parents is british and the other one is indian. In the movie she was able to do an American accent. Hugh Laurie does the same thing on House.

How does Naomi Scott voice changes?

Because they explained in the Exclusive behind the scenes of the movie Lemonade Mouth that she has a really good american/English accent and she was able to speak without her British accent for the whole movie in real life she will talk with her British accent, as the cast members said so.

What is Naomi Scott's ethnicity?

Naomi Scott is an English actress and singer.

How do you get a brittish accent?

To acquire a British accent, practice listening to native speakers, mimic their pronunciation and intonation, and learn common British phrases and slang. Consistent practice and feedback from a language coach or tutor can also help improve your accent over time.

Is Naomi Scott related to the queen in England?

Yes, because she was born in London, England. Her mother is Indian and her father is British. The movie Lemonade Mouth was her first American production. :)

What is Naomi Scott's father called?

Naomi Scott's father is named Christopher Scott.

What is naomi Scott from lemonade mouth Indian?

yes she wass...indian and british. she was born in england!!

What kind of language does Naomi Scott speak?

Naomi Scott is a British actress and singer, so her native language is English. She may also speak other languages, but English is the language she primarily uses.

Is Naomi Scott from Disney a Christian?

Naomi Scott is Christian.

What language does Naomi Scott speak?

Naomi Scott is fluent in English. She was born and raised in London, UK, and English is her first language.