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Yes, Neptune does have rings, as to other uniquefeatures, Neptune is an almost exact twin of Uranus. (There are differences in size, and a few other characteristics not worth noting).

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Q: Does Neptune have rings or other unique features?
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What are the unique features of Neptune?

Neptune has rings and is magnetic. Yes, but that isn't unique.

What are the names of Neptune's 13 rings?

Neptune does not have 13 rings. Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings.

When was Rings of Neptune created?

Rings of Neptune was created in 1989.

Why does Neptune haven't got rings?

surprisingly, Neptune has 7 rings.

Are there Rings on Jupiter Uranus Neptune?

Yes, there are rings on Jupiter and Neptune, and sideways rings on Uranus.

What colors are Neptune's rings?

Neptune has five main rings surrounding it. The rings of Neptune appear to be a reddish color. they were first discovered in 1984.

Does Neptune have any satellites or rings?

Yes, Neptune does in fact have vertical rings. There are actually six vertical rings surrounding Neptune and they are of different sizes.

What other planets have rings besides Saturn?

Uranus, Neptune, and Jupiter

Does Neptune have invisible rings?

Yes Neptune rings are not invisible though just harder to see because Neptune does not have many rings.

Who discovered Neptune's rings?

neptune's rings were discovered by Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989

Why does Neptune have rings?

It has 5 beautiful rings

Which planet has 13 moons and 5 rings?

Neptune has 13 moons and 5 rings. Neptune's rings are much darker than Saturn's rings.