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It can, yes -- but this is not the sole interpretation. ProAna has many different meanings for different people. ProAna websites vary in their position on the ProAna Movement and in particular beliefs/interpretations therein, as do their members. Most sites are intended as places for people who already have an eating disorder and are seeking support. For many, sites like these are their only source of support whatsoever. Anorexia is experienced as intensely private and personal, and often cause sufferers deep shame. This causes most to endure the rigors of the illness in silence and to take measures to hide their condition until their behaviors and/or wasting physique "out" them to friends and family. The internet affords anorexics the benefit of human connection for two reasons: 1) It affords them a medium in which they have relative anonymity and thus feel safe enough to divulge these feelings; to connect and share with others who also suffer; and 2) it affords them a medium to locate those who endure similarly and thus not suffer alone.

Some sites affirm that anorexia is a lifestyle and not a disease, and this has become the hallmark point of contention on those opposing the ProAna Movement. The truth is that even most of the sites which proclaim this statement recognize that anorexia nervosa is a genuine illness. In this case, claiming it as a lifestyle and a choice can be a means of empowerment and a potent rejection of being victims of an insidious disease. There are those that practice "volitional anorexia," but such individuals typically have underlying eating disordered symptoms and tendencies to begin with, or do not adhere long to the often harsh, ascetic conditions demanded of such a life choice. ProAna advocates generally reject strongly the notion that such sites "recruit" people to become sick; most have recovery information on-site, and most encourage those in danger to seek medical assistance.

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Q: Does PRO ANA mean practicing anorexia?
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pro ana actually... its the promotion of anorexia

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It is usually just referred to as "anorexia" or, in slang-terms, "ana".

What is the definition of Pro Ana?

The definition of Pro-ana is someone who promotes the eating disorder anorexia nervosa. There are many pro-ana organizations who offer their support for anorexics.

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Hi there! The prefix "pro" means you are in favor of something (in this case, either "mia" or "ana"). "Mia" is short for bulimia, and "ana" is short for anorexia. Both bulimia and anorexia are serious eating disorders- Generally, bulimia is characterized with extreme over-eating (binge) and then purge via laxatives or vomitting. Anorexia on the other hand is characterized with extreme under-eating and the thought that they are fat when actually, are emaciated. Basically, the difference between pro-mia and pro-ana is that someone who is pro-mia is a supporter of bulimia and the latter is a supporter of anorexia.

What are some good pro ana websites?

I'm sorry, but WikiAnswers is a site dedicated to educating others. Promoting Pro-Anorexia, or "pro ana", websites (encouraging anorexia, a dangerous and often deadly eating disorder) would not be helpful, and WikiAnswers cannot do that. Thank you.

Can pro-anorexia website help some eating disorders?

No. Pro-ana websites are potentially dangerous, if anything, and are therefore not open to discussion on Wiki Answers.

How can you pro ana successfully?

Hun I'm sorry but considering anorexia leads to death I think this question is not suitable for WikiAnswers.

Which wrist does the pro-ana red bracelet go on?

Basic facts: Pro-Ana braclets are red, Pro-Mia bracelets are blue. (Anorexia and Bulimia, just to clarify). Pro-Mia blues go on the right wrist. Most Pro-Ana reds go on the left wrist. Struggling pro-ana's might put the red on the wrist the eat with to remind them not to eat. (For left-handed anorexic, it doesn't make a difference.

Which wrist does the pro ana red bracelet go on?

Basic facts: Pro-Ana braclets are red, Pro-Mia bracelets are blue. (Anorexia and Bulimia, just to clarify). Pro-Mia blues go on the right wrist. Most Pro-Ana reds go on the left wrist. Struggling pro-ana's might put the red on the wrist the eat with to remind them not to eat. (For left-handed anorexic, it doesn't make a difference.

How are pro-ana sites triggering?

"Pro-ana", or sites that glorify and encourage anorexia, can be trigerring because of what they say. They provide tips and suggestions on how to become anoroexic, how to avoid food, how to hide weight loss, how to properly exercise, and provide encouragment. This can often be dangerous as it turns people towards anorexia, or encourages anorexic to develop worse into their disorders.

What are some pro anorexia websites?

Although anorexia is a dangerous illness that can be life-threatening, there are several pro-anorexia websites on the Internet. Some of these include Houseofthin, Proanamia, or Anafriends.

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