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No it means that it's ready to be shipped, Atleast that's what it is in the UK

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Q: Does Packaged mean its shipped
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The weed gets packaged and shipped. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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Can you export pepper spray?

Not unless you are a licensed manufacturer, distributor, or exporter. Chemical sprays are regulated and must be packaged and shipped via federal regulations.

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yes. it could be packaged and shipped to the front lines very easily.

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Christmas candy can actually be shipped at any time of year, depending on how it is packaged and the shelf life of the candy itself. However, to ensure delivery by the holiday it should be shipped at least a week before it, although some vendors will provide local delivery within a day or two of the holiday.

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Yes, UPS will carry regulated hazardous materials, but only for customers who have accounts that specify shipping of hazardous materials, with the added fees that accompany that.

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Pepper is mostly natural, but it is made from the pepper plant, which is currently grown in tropical areas, picked, boiled, dried, ground, and then packaged and shipped hope i answered your question!

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Cashews don't grow in a shell, they grow on top of a small fruit that is a bit like an apple. They are removed before being packaged and shipped.

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if you mean what the package looks like, the answer is an oval-like plastic package. If you're wondering how it gets packaged, I don't know--sorry

What part of the cow does menudo come from?

Menudo is another word for tripe, which is the stomach of a cow. The stomach is separated from the carcass, cleaned of all contents, scalded and bleached to clean it, then packaged and shipped out for consumption.