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Yes, the law says a minor can get STD-testing, pregnancy testing and prenatal care without parents consent.

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Depends what you are going to do.

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Q: Does Planned Parenthood offer STD testing to a minor without parent consent?
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Can a fourteen year old go to planned parenthood without parent consent in kansas?

Kansas law allows a "mature minor" to access contraceptive care without parental consent. There is no explicit age in the Kansas state regulations.

Can a teen get birth control without parental consent on Georgia?

I think it depends on which bc we are talking about but bc is a right that you have, even as a teen, so ask Planned Parenthood in you area:Planned Parenthood 1-800-230-PLAN

Can you get birth control at 15 without you parents knowing at planned parenthood?

Depends on where you live and your age, some countries need your parents consent if you are a minor. If you can get them without your parents knowing am sure you can take them without their knowing, but think long and hard about what you are about to do.

How is trichomoniasis tested for at planned parenthood is it a urine test or swab?

Different Planned Parenthood health centers use different approaches for the diagnosis of trich. For instance, our local office screens females with a vaginal swab, and treats male partners without testing. Call your local office for information specific to your area.

If someone is pregnant then how do they do it without their parents knowing?

Call PLANNED PARENTHOOD in your city.

How can you get birth control without parent consent in Phoenix or near Phoenix?

I'm not positive how much this varies in different municipalities, however, planned parenthood programs are permitted to give birth control without parental consent. Try this link

How can a pregnant minor receive treatment in Ohio with no parental consent?

27 states and the District of Columbia specifically allow pregnant minors to the obtain prenatal care and delivery services without parental consent or notification. Ask your doctor if your state is one of them or call Planned Parenthood and ask.

How old do you have to be to work at planned parenthood?

You don't have to be a specific age. A minor can get education on birth control and free condoms, STD and pregnancy testing and prenatal care without parental age limit, based on income

Can a pregnant minor sign consent for treatment pertaining to pregnancy?

With an adults consent 27 states and the District of Columbia specifically allow pregnant minors to the obtain prenatal care and delivery services without parental consent or notification. Ask your doctor if your state is one of them or call Planned Parenthood and ask.

What if you don't have insurance when you go to plan parenthood?

Planned Parenthood usually wants to know about insurance, but if you have no insurance they would like to know about income and your households income, but if you qualify and income is low they hand you e-pact insurance card that covers the visits at planned parenthood and exams and any health care done there and contraseptives needed.

How old do you have to be when you can go to do doctor and get a pregnancy test without your parents knowing or giving consent?

I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.I believe Planned Parenthood honors your privacy. I would not be concerned about that. Get the help you need now. It will make you feel better, and they can help you plan for the future if necessary.

Do you need an adult to go to Planned Parenthood?

You can go to Planned Parenthood anywhere and not have to have a parent with you. Teens can come in without parents permission and everything is confidential. The only time they need parents is if they are getting an abortion. State law requires a parent signature on the paperwork.