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Q: Does Saltatory conduction occurs because of the presence of salt NaCl around the neuron?
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Saltatory conduction uses myelinated sheaths around the axon to aide in the efficiency that an action potential passes down the nerve's axon by jumping between nodes of ranvier. The word saltatory is taken from the french word "saltare" meaning leap. Saltatory conduction saves time and improves energy efficiency in the nervous system. In some neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, demyelination of axons occur, resulting in a block of conduction of the action potential.

Is saltatory conduction faster than conduction on an unmyelinated fiber?

wherever the Schwann cells wrap around the axon, the sodium and potassium ions cannot cross the membrane; the Schwann cells wrap too tightly around the axonal membrane for there to be any extracellular space underneath them. Therefore, the only place that an action potential can occur is at the node of Ranvier-- the space between the Schwann cells. Because of this, the action potential seems to jump from node to node along the axon. "Jumping" is what the word "saltatory" means.

What makes saltatory conduction possible?

Saltatory conduction is the propagation of action potentials (nerve signals) along axons that occurs by jumping from one node of Ranvier (gap between myelinated sections of axon) to the next. (Saltare means "to hop" or "to jump") By jumping from one node to the next, this increases the conduction velocity, allowing the signal to travel faster.

What is the relationship between myelin and the propagation speed of action potentials?

Electrical signals travel faster in axons that are insulated with myelin. Myelin, produced by glial support cells, wraps around axons and helps electrical current flow down the axon (just like wrapping tape around a leaky water hose would help water flow down the hose).Myelin insulation does not cover the entire axon. Rather there are breaks in the wrapping. These breaks are called nodes of Ranvier. The distance between these nodes is between 0.2 and 2 mm.Action potentials traveling down the axon "jump" from node to node. This is called saltatory conduction which means "to leap." Saltatory conduction is a faster way to travel down an axon than traveling in an axon without myelin.

What does conduction require?

If you mean electrical conduction, that requires electrical charges that are fairly free to move around.

What structure in the neuron helps to speed up the transmission of the action potential?

To speed up transmission of the action potential from where it originates (axon hillock) to where it ends (axon terminal), the action potential propagates by 'saltatory conduction' - and the structure that makes this possible is the insulating layer of myelin sheath that wraps around the axon, arranged in 'nodes' along its length. Technically, it's the gaps between the nodes (nodes of Ranvier) that cause the action to continually propagate and maintain its fast conduction velocity.

How is solar heat distributed around earth?

Solar heat is distributed around earth by conduction.

Does an oven have conduction or convection?

Pizza in an oven recieves heat by radiation from the hot metal casing, and the burner, and by conduction from the air. Convection only heats fluids; so the air around the pizza (which is cooled by it) flows in convection currents, and interracts with hotter air. The pizza is heated faster because of convection heating taking place, but is not heated by it direction.

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Bugs may hover around people for different reasons. Some may hover because of the presence of food, while others may hover because they are blood suckers.

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conduction, convection, radiation

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