

Does Soils emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

Updated: 8/11/2022
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9y ago

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Yes, I think soil can emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

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Skylar Hagenes

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Q: Does Soils emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?
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Related questions

How do you emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

By burning fossil fuels.By breathing.By opening a bottle of fizzy drink.

What gasses are you emitting?

Humans emit carbon dioxide by breathing. They also emit carbon dioxide by belching and they emit methane by farting.

What are some items that emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

Anything that is part of the carbon cycle releases carbon dioxide which moves in and out of the atmosphere, trees, oceans, animals and land.Anything that is part of the fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas) industry releases carbon dioxide most of which remains in the atmosphere, building up. Examples are: factories, vehicles and power plants.

Do seeds emit carbon dioxide?


What is the most carbon-neutral country in the world?

The tiny Himalayan country of Bhutan. Its forests remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than its people emit.

How is carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere besides photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere through processes like carbon sequestration, where it is stored in geological formations or in forests. Additionally, chemical reactions in seawater and weathering of rocks can also contribute to the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.

How can using bio fuel help to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Bio fuel emits carbon dioxide (CO2) that was removed from the atmosphere when the plant grew (this year, probably). Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) emit carbon dioxide that has been hidden away for millions of years. So using biofuel instead of fossil fuel means that less carbon dioxide is added to the atmosphere.

How is carbon dioxide alive?

Its not. Carbon Dioxide is a gas that trees and plants ingest and we emit.

Where is CO2 usually found?

All animals emit CO2 (carbon dioxide) as waste. When you breathe out, you are expelling carbon dioxide. Anytime anything is burned, the results are H2O (water) and carbon dioxide. Engines in cars burn gasoline for energy and carbon dioxide is released. This is the same as what factory smokestacks do to produce carbon dioxide, which is thrown into the atmosphere.

Do humans emit carbon dioxide?

Yes,I think we breath it out and plants get it and they give us oxegen which we breath and than emit carbon dioxide

Do cars pollute the air or people?

Both. Cars emit Hydrocarbons + Nitrogen Oxides + Carbon Dioxide + Carbon Monoxide. People emit Methane and Carbon Dioxide.

What is a plants source of carbon dioxide?

Plants and animals are both complex organisms that share in a cycle of carbon dioxide and oxygen. Animals breathe out carbon dioxide when they respirate and plants take that in through their leaves and then emit oxgen which animals inhale. And the cycle begins again.