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Grizzlies would rather not mess around with people, but if you happen across some grizzly cubs, you can be sure that their mom is close by. She will attack and sometimes kill humans. Grizzlies are just plain huge. There is not much you can do to defend yourself against a grizzly.


Yes but very rarely. Most of the fuss is caused by there destruction of property. Much like the Great White Shark, they are misportrayed as cruel killers by the media when they are quite docile in nearly every situation. Just think, which would make the news; tourists spot grizzly bear v.s grizzly bear mauls tourists. Only the bad is shown. So to answer your question- yes, but you are 12x more likely to be killed by bees than a Grizzly Bear.

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Q: Does The Grizzly Bear Kill Humans?
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Can people kill a grizzly bear if it threatens to get in there house?

Yes they can kill a grizzly bear. I think they can kill it because its on your property i guess

What are the enemies of a grizzly bear?


What kills bears?

A very large pack of wolves could kill a single Grizzly bear

What dog is used to hunt and kill grizzly bears?

They use multiple hounds to kill a grizzly bear.

What can kill a black bear?

Humans and grizzly bears, primarily. Humans are a black bear's enemies. A grizzly bear may even kill a black bear of these two species crossed paths and happened to be competing for the same food or carcass as the other.

Who would win a hyena or a grizzly bear?

No way a hyena can kill a grizzly bear unless it hunt with packs

Can a bison kill a grizzly bear?

Well it's not uncommon for a grizzly bear to prey on a small bison cow or a young calf, that's for sure. So yes, I guess you could say that a grizzly bear could kill a bison.

Who would win in a fight between an ox 4 lions and a grizzly bear?

Lions, especially if they are females from the same pride. The grizzly bear can defeat and kill the ox if it avoided its horns and head, but the lions will get it after the grizzly bear gets injury by the ox's body strength. If the grizzly bear attacked the 4 lions, the grizzly bear will have a chance to win because its big claws can kill 2 lions if it was strong enough to. After the lions get killed, the grizzly bear might get injured, and the ox can kill it with ease.

What are some weaknesses of a grizzly bear?

Wolves, humans, and adult moose are dangerous for grizzly bears.

Are Grizzly bear dangerous?

yes vary they can kill you also

How many grizzly bears are in Oregon?

Oregon is home to only one kind of bear, the black bear. These bears are much smaller than grizzly bears but are still very dangerous. They are known to attack humans, kill livestock, and destroy property.

Why would a grizzly bear go swimming?

yes grizzly bears are going extinked becaus humans