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According to the Journal of Nutrition a study was published in 2001 states that WuYi slightly increases metabolic rate due to the caffeine content. This study showed that the consumption of tea results in a greater impact on fat oxidation than does caffeine alone. It is suggested that tea will not work as a weight loss tool unless caffeine is incorporated with it, so do not buy non-caffeinated versions. The best results were reached by subjects ingesting 200-300 mg/d caffeine.

There are 12 - 15 mg caffeine in a cup of Oolong tea. There are many parameters that affect caffeine content such as the amount of leaf, the leaf particle size, water temperature and steeping time. For example, tea steeped in hot water for a longer time will release more of its caffeine than tea steeped with cooler water for a shorter period. A smaller leaf tea will release more of its caffeine than a larger leaf tea.

Rumpler, et. al. "Oolong tea increases metabolic rate and fat oxidation in men". The American Society for Nutritional Sciences J. Nutr. 131:2848-2852, November 2001

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