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A Newspaper editorial dragged out of the microfilm dust every yule season. Somewhat oddly- it was published ( hence written earlier) on 9.2l.97 which is the first day of Fall, not even in the Christmas Season. The entire article is slanted and in a talk-down style. The author, one Frank Church, makes the overstated claim that in effect knocking out Clausism would ( extinguish the internal heart of Childhood) Maybe Clausism dominated the juvenile fantasy scene in l897 but this was long before comic books, TV Cartoons- Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse, Hanna-Barbera cartoons, et al. The author attacks skepticism, clearly this was long before such political scandals as Watergate.

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No, not really, nor was it intended to "prove" that an actual guy named Santa Claus existed. Rather, it was about what Santa Claus represents, and what he means to children. "Yes Virginia" was an editorial from a New York newspaper, written in 1897 to a little girl who worried that Santa Claus wasn't real. But the message in the editorial was not trying to show her who Santa was or where to find him. Rather, it tried to show how Christmas was a magical holiday, and the story of Santa was part of it. The editor encouraged Virginia, and all children, to keep on believing-- to believe that Christmas is a time of wonder and beauty, and its special feeling is personified by a jolly man in a red suit with a sleigh and reindeer, who brings gifts to kids all over the world. In other words, the editor was saying that Santa Claus (whether a real person, or a symbol) represents the true meaning of Christmas: the spirit of giving, during a season of love and joy.

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I believe there is proof that Santa Claus may exist, just that the people with the actual evidence don't want to share their proof. Who can say that Santa does not exist? Maybe, he's there, with magic and wonder? Seeing isn't believing, Believing isn't seeing. Think about what you believe, Believe in what you think. Check out my Eragon fan-fic version, from Saphira's point of view!

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No, because many people in many places ring bells on Christmas Eve. It wouldn't just be Santa doing that. But if you want to believe that Santa is real, and if you derive some comfort from that belief, you should continue to believe; however, the reality is that Santa is a fictional character, and he symbolizes the joy of giving gifts during the Christmas season.

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If the kid's parents don't believe in Santa but want their children to. I believe in Santa.P.S. Do you get gifts from Santa? Answer: Yes, of course they are.If parents are absent then other relatives or guardians fill in and pretend that there is a Santa Claus to perpetuate the myth.The exact reason for adults to lie to children in this manner is not clear - obviously children all will figure it out sooner or later. This insight will prove to the children that adults are willing to tell them lies, especially about invisible friends.

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