

Does Zionism require population transfers

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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No. In early Zionist writings, even with right-wingers like Jabotinsky and Trumpeldor, they believed that the Arabs could be integrated as citizens without forcibly relocating them. According to the British Census of Palestine in 1922, there were 590,390 Muslims in Palestine (and 83,694 Jews), whereas there were around 8.5-9 million Jews in Europe. Their thought was that they would simply outpopulate the Arabs, even if only 10% of European Jews migrated to Mandatory Palestine. This would be a method of supplanting the Arab majority without removing them and demonstrates that Zionism does not require ethnic transfers.

Of course, not as many Jews migrated as they would have liked and the Holocaust severely diminished the number of European Jews in the early 1940s. As a result, it became less likely that such a demographic drowning could occur. As a result, the Zionists changed tactics and supported a partition plan to get some piece of the land. With a partition plan there would necessarily be population transfers, but it was better than civil war (which ended up happening anyway).

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