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I believe a Saguaro needs more water. I found this web site very informative on Catus. <a href="" target="_self">Saguaro or a Prickly pear</a>

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Q: Does a Saguaro or a Prickly Pear need more sunlight?
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What is the only cactus in the Sonoran Desert?

There are lots of cacti in the sonoran desert, including the prickly pear, the saguaro, the cholla, the ocotillo, and more.

Is the prickly pear cactus native to south Texas?

The prickly pear cactus was chosen as Texas's state plant because there are more than 4 species of cacti in the american southwest

What does a prickly pear taste like?

To me, prickly pear tasted closest in flavor to kiwi fruit. I have seen it described as bland, but I love kiwi, so I would not categorize prickly pear as bland either. Depending on your preparation of the fruit, you may want to add a little (very little) sugar or pair it with another fruit, such as plums, but I know I will definitely buy and eat more prickly pears!

What cactus is the symbol of the southwest?

Carnegiea gigantea is a tall cactus that's native to the southwestern United States of America. The cactus' common name is the giant saguaro cactus. The plant also is native to northwestern Mexico.

What is the life span of cactus?

There is no one life span for a cactus.Specifically, the life span depends upon the kind of cactus. For example, the prickly pear (Opuntia spp) tends to live just 20 years. But the giant saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) may live more than 150-200 years.

What is the life span of a cactus?

There is no one life span for a cactus.Specifically, the life span depends upon the kind of cactus. For example, the prickly pear (Opuntia spp) tends to live just 20 years. But the giant saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea) may live more than 150-200 years.

How long does a prickly pear take to produce?

Generally, the Prickly Pear Cactus, a member of the Opuntia family, will need to be at least 3 years old before it will begin to produce flowers. These will usually be bright yellow, depending on the variety of Prickly Pear and the climate. Sometimes, even an Opuntia that is of adequate age and maturity will fail to produce flowers, such as if there hasn't been enough moisture for the year, or if it receives inadequate sunlight. When the Prickly Pear does bloom, the small, thumblike protrusions that the flowers grow on will become the fruit, the "Prickly Pear", for which the Cacti is commonly named. These fruits generally take 3 to six months to fully ripen, again dependent on the species. Usually, a healthy, mature plant will produce flowers in early Spring, with the fruits being ripe and ready to consume by late Summer to early Fall. It's worth noting that cuttings from a mature plant will mature and produce flowers much more rapidly than growing from seed, in fact the Prickly Pear I am currently caring for was cut from the mother early March, and by May had already produced flowers, and the beginnings of fruits. This is because the cacti I took my cuttings from was already older and mature. I placed "my" cactus in direct, all day sunlight. Although my Opuntia is well on it's way to producing fruit, the mother plant has yet to produce a single flower. This is proof of the importance of climate, as even a mature plant may not flower if the sunlight is inadequate. So, basically, your Prickly Pear will produce fruits as soon as it is old enough, which may be immediately if grown from cutting, and the fruits will begin to form in early Spring, maturing by Fall. Again, the climate and sunlight will have a HUGE effect on the timing, so make sure your Opuntia receives as much sunlight as possible, and don't over-water. Try to find a wild cacti from your area to take a cutting from, as these will already be acclimated to your environment, and will grow more vigorously.

What are the medicinal uses of a cactus?

Medicine derived from the prickly pear cactus is used for an amazing variety of purposes. There is genuine scientific research which backs the use of the prickly pear cactus, also known as nopal, as a natural treatment for diabetes and high blood cholesterol, as well as lipid disorders. Current research is continuing to check the efficacy of prickly pear medicine on the management and treatment of type II diabetes and hyperlipidemias. The prickly pear is also being researched for its effectiveness in the management and treatment of obesity, gastrointestinal disorders (particularly ulcers and inflammation of the intestines), skin ailments, and viral infections. The native Americans also used it to help soothe and treat burns. Modern consumers use it to treat sunburn and windburn. In years past, the Spanish explorers in Mexico used the fruit from the prickly pear to help cure scurvy, as it is rich in Vitamin C. To read more about the prickly pear cactus medicine's use, see the related link below.

What is another name for prickly pear?

Opuntia Nopales That's all I know

Can you name more plants living in the desert such as xerophytes?

More plants living in the desert such as xerophytes are:- 1)calotropis 2)oputia 3)euphorbia 4)cactus 5)prickly pear

What is an example of a community in a desert?

A community refers to populations of two or more species that inhabit the same area. An example would be coyotes, jackrabbits, rats, ground squirrels, hawks, rattlesnakes, road runners, peccaries, Saguaro cacti, Prickly Pear, mesquite trees, and juniper trees, a community found in the deserts of southwestern USA. Note that many more animals and plants could be added to this list, however, I don't know all of them.

Is it ok for rabbits to eat prickly pears?

According to the sources linked below, rabbits have been known to eat prickly pears in the wild, and they are not known to be toxic. However, domestic animals have lost many of their wild instincts, and pet rabbits may not know how to eat prickly pear without hurting themselves on the spines. Prickly pear is not on any recommended list of plants safe for rabbits to eat: most people would say it's better to be safe than sorry, and to avoid the prickly pear. If your rabbit likes prickly pear, and you know it doesn't make your rabbit sick, then it's probably okay to give some to your rabbit as a treat. Treats should be strictly limited in a rabbit's diet because too much can lead to a variety of illnesses. A bite or two of fresh treat food daily is more than enough for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit. See the related question below for details about a healthy rabbit diet, and helpful links.