

Does a Shark harm a Remora?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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not harmed because it benefited to eat the dead skin of the shark

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Q: Does a Shark harm a Remora?
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Commensalism between a shark and a remora?

The commensalism between a shark and a remora benefits the remora and does not harm the shark. The remora is able to obtain food from the shark as it drops food while it eats.

What is the difference between the shark and the remora?

REMORA IS SMALL AND IS NOT REALLY HARM full then shark but shark doesnt and never eats remora . and remora never eats shark ( this is th e answer i am a diver that's why i think it is correct

What is remora?

A remora is a type of fish that has a special sucker on the top of it's body. It frequently attaches itself to large fish like sharks, and will feed on the scraps left over when the shark feeds. The remora does not harm the shark in any way, and the sharks do not feed on the remora.

What rhyimes with remora?

A remora is a type of fish that has a special sucker on the top of it's body. It frequently attaches itself to large fish like sharks, and will feed on the scraps left over when the shark feeds. The remora does not harm the shark in any way, and the sharks do not feed on the remora.

Advantages and disadvantages the shark and remora has?

The advantages of the remora and shark is that the remora hitches rides from the shark and eats the leftovers from the sharks meal.

What are shark and remora?

Sharks do not tend to mind these parasites sticking to them all the time, remoras just stick to sharks to either get around or to eat the dirt off them. Remoras are streamlined so that it will not affect the shark's swimming.

Do sharks protect remora's from predators?

Yes, the remora fish uses its sucker on top of its head to attach itself to the bottom of the shark thereby the shark is protecting the remora from predators.

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What is the shark tag along?

Remora -

Does a shark beneifit form the relationship with a remora?

No a shark doesn't benefit from the relationship with a remora. When two organisms benefit from their relationship that is known as mutualisim. A remora lays on the surface of the shark catching all the leftover food from the shark. The shark doesn't benefit or get harmed by the remora and this relationship is known as commensalism. There is also parasitism which is when one organism benefits and one is harmed.

What is the relationship between remora and sharks?

Mutalistic Relationship, both are benefiting. The shark is getting cleaned and groomed while the remora is getting fed and transported. Remoras have suction pads that can stick onto the shark. The Remora gets transported by the shark without the shark attacking.