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Q: Does a cell in your stomach contain genes for brain cells?
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How does a liver cell differ from a heart cell?

brain cells are activated by brain genes and heart cells are activated by heart genes. that's how they function, by their genes

Do body cells contain a complete set of genes?

Yes, they do.

What are threadlike structures in nucleus of cells that contain genes?

DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is the structure that contains the genes.

Is there one gene for intelligence?

Genes have nothing to do with intellegence. It has to do with how fast your brain reacts and how many brain cells you have.

Do tumor viruses contain genes found in normal cells?

help idont Know?

Do tumor viruses contain genes that are found in normal cells?

not in all cases, however, but yes

What are the structures that contain all of the genes and DNA?

the nucleus holds all the inormation about the cells DNA

True or false a gamete must contain one complete set of genes?

A gamete contains half the number of genes that the other body cells do.

Does a cheek cell contain the same chromosomes as a liver cell?

Yes. In an individual, almost all cells contain DNA (Red Blood Cells do not). That DNA is tightly wound like you would twist a drawstring, and kept tightly coiled as chromosomes. Since chromosomes can be found in a cheek cell, a liver cell (hepatocyte), and almost all other cells, they all contain the same chromosomes, which inevitably have the same genes. What makes cheek cells different from liver cells is which genes are turned on and off. Cheek cells have different genes turned on compared to liver cells.

What are the viral genes for?

to produce copies of the virus once inside the host cell