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Since a coma is just going to sleep and never waking up, a coma shouldn't cause brain damage. It is just that the brain is in a permanent mode of sleep in which the victim cannot be aroused.

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Yes. When brain activity stops you are pronounced dead

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yes it can

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Q: Does a coma patient have brain activity?
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What is coma?

A coma is a deep state of unconsciousness, your brain is at its lowest activity level.

Medical determination of death as the cessation of brain activity?


Does inflammation of the brain necessarily mean that person is in a coma?

No. Exams of patients with encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) usually reveal a drowsy or confused patient but not in a coma. A person in a coma state can not be aroused.

In coma will the brain have waves?

The brain is constantly working even if a person is in a coma. The only reason this would change is because the person has gone brain dead and the brain is no longer producing waves of activity.

Does the medical term unresponsive mean you are in a coma?

No, unresponsive means the the patient/victim does not respond to stimuli such as touching, pinching etc.. Brain dead on the other hand, means that there is no brain activity. Simply put, an unresponsive patient may respond again; a brain dead patient will NEVER respond again (s/he cannot be resuscitated). Wendy Cadogan EMT-P

Can a coma patient be treated for failure to thrive?

A coma patient can be treated for failure to thrive. Failure to thrive leads to coma or partial coma at times.

How you come to know that patient is dead while the patient is on ventilator?

When a patient can no longer breathe on his/her own and is placed on a ventilator to sustain life, he or she is also connected to machines that monitor heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, as well as the amount of oxygen being delivered to the lungs by the ventilator. As long as there is a blood pressure and heart rate, the patient is alive. If the patient is suspected to be brain dead (does not respond to stimuli), doctors can turn off the oxygen flow to see if the patient will begin breathing on his/her own. If the patient does not begin to breathe, the family will be notified and given the option of discontinuing life support. If aperson is brain-dead they are somtimes said to be in a coma. A coma patient can be monitored as having brain activity. Clearly alive, but not cognizant of their surroundings and non responsive. Also called Persistent Vegetative State or PVS. Brain death is showing no signs of brain activity. The brain stem is no longer controlling vital functions such as heartbeat,breathing and blood pressure. The body can be kept alive by mechanical means but dies when heroic means are ceased.

What happen when there is too much of glucose in the blood?

normal is about 70-90 at about 500 the patient loses consciouness. at about 40 the patient goes into a coma at about 20 there is brain damage at about 10 the brain dies.

If a patient lives longer than expected without a ventilator should he she be feed?

If they can eat, then of course. If in a coma, of course unless they are brain dead.

Is coma recovery rare?

Recovery can have a wide variance depending on the cause of the coma and where the patient places on the coma scale

What test do doctors use to study brain wave activity?

Doctors use an electroencephalogram (EEG) to study brain wave activity. This test involves attaching electrodes to the patient's scalp to measure electrical activity in the brain. EEGs are helpful in diagnosing conditions such as epilepsy, sleep disorders, and brain injuries.

What is the middle functioning of coma patient according to the Glasgow Coma Scale?

In the middle are those patients who may be able to respond, but who require an intense or painful stimulus, and whose response may demonstrate some degree of brain malfunctioning