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Not at all. A comet is a very dirty ice ball, so dirty it is blacker than graphite. That's all.

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Q: Does a comet form large sphere of gases that cause nuclear fusion?
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Are comets related to nuclear energy?

Not directly, but as a comet approaches the sun, which is one big fusion reactor, the heat will cause the surface of the comet to vaporize, forming the comet's tail.

Is the orbit of a comet always a sphere?


What is comet Halley's diameter?

It is not exactly a sphere, the longest axis is 15km and the shortest one is 8km.

Does halleys comet cause catastrophies?

No. The only way a comet could cause a catastrophe would be if it collided with Earth. The orbit of Halley's Comet keeps it at a safe distance from us.

Is comet fall followed by an earthquake?

Would the impact of a comet on the Earth cause earthquakes? Possibly; it would depend on where the comet hit. But depending on the size of the comet that struck the Earth, the results might vary from "merely" very terrible indeed to absolutely catastrophic; The impact, the fallout, the tsunami (if a water strike) and/or the "nuclear winter" darkening of the skies with dust and debris would dwarf most conceivable earthquakes. Let me put it this way; if a large comet strikes the Earth, the last thing people will be worrying about would be an earthquake.

What causes a comet to have a tali?

cause it gets to close to the sun

What cause the tail of a comet to form?

When a comet nears the sun, and begins to out-gas, solar wind pushes the particles away. as the comet nears the sun, more & more particles are emitted, and the tail grows.

What might cause widespread extinction of living things on our planet?

Global epidemic, the sun exploding, collosion with a black hole, global warming, global cooling, nuclear war, eruption of a super volcano, or a collision with a large enough meteorite or comet.

Different if earth had an orbit like that of a comet?

our earth would be then fried, becasue the orbit of a comet orbits around the sun which cause the comet to be insanely high. which in one case would fry our earth if our orbit was near the sun

Did Mickey Mouse have a dog named Comet?

No cause he only a dog named PLuto

The main cause why the comet's head always faces the sun?

The tail of a comet always points away from the Sun, no matter which direction the comet is moving. This is because the Sun heats the comet up and blasts away the 'dirty ice' it's composed of, creating a tail that streams away from the Sun.This means that a comet can actually be travelling such that it's tail is ahead of it.

What is a ball of ice dust and gasses that travels through space and orbits the sun?

a comet/meteorite