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Q: Does a compost pile help leaves decompose quicker?
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Why do you have earthworms?

Earthworms help decompose organic matter in compost heaps and in the soil.

Do mulching leaves in fall help the grass?

yes mulching leaves in the fall does help the grass because just like any plant compost is good (compost=a decomposible substance such as other plants or egg shells but no meat). mulching leaves beaks them up allowing them to decompose faster therefore making the grass more fretile then allowing it to become greener and better looking.

What does a compost toilet do?

There are many ways one might use a compost toilet. A compost toilet uses the natural work of nature to help decompose waste that then might be used in a farming application.

How do trees help form soil?

When the leaves fall they rot down to make natural compost.

How does rainfall influence rate of decomposition?

Rain is necessary to help things rot. Compost piles need water to decompose plant matter and turn it into black gold.

What helps a log decompose?

a log needs lots of things to help decompose. the correct temperature it needs to be dam lots of bugs leaves and dirt over days it decomposes. thanks for asking :) Olivia

What two things can help make organic material in soil?

Compost and manure are two things that can help make organic material in soil.Specifically, organic matter can be defined as the nutrients which are released when living organisms die and decompose. The same nutrients -- such as carbon and nitrogen -- can be found in compost and manure. They also may be found in organic mulches.

Why do you use compost?

Compost can help your plants grow better

Why do gardeners put compost on their garden?

The compost rots down and replenishes the soil's nutrients that growing plants use up. The compost also helps to open up the soil particles, especially useful on heavy clay soils, and encourage worms who will aerate and drain the soil with their burrows.

Do fallen leaves help the soil in any way?

As they decompose their nutrients are added back to the soil or are used by the organisms breaking the leaf down.

What if your compost is dry and it doesn't rot or decompose?

Then you need to add water and stir it. It should be damp, like a wrung-out sponge. Adding high-nitrogen material, such as manure or grass clippings, will help also.

How do dirt and leaves help things decompose?

That they attract and shelter bacteria, fungi, and micro-organisms as well as ground-travelling arthropods (such as scavenger beetles) is the reason why dirt and leaves help things decompose. All of the above-mentioned food web members may be considered organisms whose job involves breaking things down and encouraging decay.