

Does a compound have mass and volumn?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Does a compound have mass and volumn?
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What is the definition of volumn?

Volume is loud music, while a volumn is a book or periodical.

Does the mass of each element in a compound depend on the amount of compound?

Yes, because the mass of each element in a compound depends on the mass of the compound.

What is the formula for the percent by mass of a compound?

((mass of element)/(mass of compound))*100

Does the molar mass of a compound change depending on the weight of the compound?

Molar mass depend on the ,mass,type and number of atoms in molecules of compound.

What element relates the mass in a compound to the entire mass of the compound?

I'm not sure what you are trying to ask, but both / all of the elements contribute to their compound's mass.

What is the gram mass of compound if 5 moles of the compound has a mass of 100 grams?

The molar mass is 20 g.

What are the sum of atomic masses of all atoms formula for a compound called?

It is called the molar mass of that compound. In other words, the total mass of all of the elements in a compound is equal to one mole of that compound.

How is a mass of a compound determined the number of moles?

The molar mass of a compound is equal to 1 mol.

What is a mass-mass problem?

A mass-mass problem is a kind of problem wherein a person is asked to find an answer which is also a mass. In this, a person is given mass of a compound and then asked to find the mass of another compound.

What is molecular mass?

the relative molecular mass or molecular weight of a compound is the mass of a molecule of the compound relative to the mass of a carbon atom taken as exactly 12.

What information is needed to calculate the percent composition of a compound?

The formula of the compound and the Atomic Mass of its elements.

The mass of each type of element in a compound compared to the ovrall mass in the compound is referred to as the?

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