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Q: Does a dog stop bleeding if they get stuck with another dog?
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Related questions

Will a female dog stop bleeding if she is pregnant?

It will stop bleeding after a while or it will not bleed at all

After having puppies when should the mother stop bleeding?

Everywhere I have read they stop bleeding after a couple of days. However, it may continue up till 2-4 weeks after if the bleeding has not stopped you need to take her to the vet.

Would dog shampoo stop a dog from mating another dog?

NO! You have to spay or neuter.

When a dogs nail is hurt in a accendent?

Put a bandage on it to stop the bleeding. Take your dog to the vet if it is major

Should you not walk dog if quick is exposed?

no it will only cause them more pain. if the dog's quick is bleeding be sure to put a slight amount of sugar on it and it will stop the bleeding and is less painful than anything else.

What do you put on dog nails to stop bleeding?

No. Use a mens syptic pencil they use for shaving cuts, if this does not work when applied to nail, take the pencil and shave some off to make a powder and dip nail in it. Old fashioned remedy, dip nail in flour, it bleeding does not stop go to the vet.

Your dog has a wound on his leg and it's keeps bleeding but it's a light watery blood is that ok?

It is never good if your dog or any other animal is bleeding. You should apply pressure to the wound, but if the bleeding doesn't stop, you should see the nearest vet right away.

How long do pit bull female 9 month old dog bleed for?

How long do you bleed for? A pit bull is a dog, is a mammal. If it has an open wound and its heart is pumping, it'll bleed. If your dog is bleeding excessively or has bleeding that won't seem to stop, get her to the vet asap.

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Is it normal for a male dog's penis to bleed after intercourse with a female dog?

It's probably not the dog's penis bleeding, but during heat the female will bleed so it stands to reason that the penis would have blood on it. If you are sure your dog is bleeding from the penis it's best to have the pet checked out by your vet. Marcy

How can you breed your dog without injuring her?

Most times when your dogs breed they will not get hurt. Sometimes they can get 'stuck' which is when the dog's balls get stuck to your female. The best way to stop this is pouring LUKE-WARM water through them :) Usually no other problems will occur

Where does the apostrophes go Matthew dog was stuck in the mud?

Matthew's dog was stuck in the mud.