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Q: Does a doubled chromosome have one original and one copy?
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Related questions

What is the term for an individual who has an extra copy of one chromosome or is missing a chromosome - Is it something-'ploid'?

Aneuploid - the individual has an extra copy of one chromosome or is missing a chromosome.

What does chrimatid mean?

A chromatid means one copy, or a daughter cell, of a duplicated chromosome, which is joined to another copy by a single centromere. Each contain the same DNA and chromosome protein as the original cell.

What ensures that each new eukaryotic cell receives a copy of each chromosome?

Mitosis results in two identical cells being produced from the original cell. A copy of each chromosome is made before the cell divides and one of each chromosome goes to each new cell.

A copy of each chromosome is made in which stage of mitosis?

One copy will be made totalling 2 of the same chromosome, one for each cell.

What is the correct term for an individual who has an extra copy of one chromosome or is missing a chromosome?


What is meiosis associated with?

Sexual reproduction took me a while 2 figure it out 2

What are heterologous chromosomes?

Heterologous chromosomes are those thatdo not belong to the same pair. To give you an example, there are two copies of chromosome 6 and two copies of chromosome 8 in the human genome. If we were to compare one copy of chromosome 6 with one copy of chromosome 8, the pair would be heterolgous

How many copies of a gene does each somatic cell have?

One. A gamete is a haploid cell containing one copy of each chromosome (23 in humans). Each chromosome contains one copy of each gene. Therefore, a gamete contains one copy of each gene.

Do normal sperm or egg cells in a human have one copy of each chromosome?


What do you call it if a person is missing a chromosome?

If a person is missing a chromosome, it is known as monosomy. Monosomy occurs when there is only one copy of a particular chromosome instead of the usual two copies. For example, a person missing one copy of chromosome 21 would have a condition called monosomy 21 or trisomy 21, which is also known as Down syndrome.

Where can you get a copy of the original Bible not the politically correct version?

No one can get a copy of the original Bible, as its manuscripts have been lost.

Cell with one of each kind of chromosome?

a cell that has one copy of each chromosome is a haploid cell. Cells with 2 copies are known as diploid cells