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Only if it's dying of finrot. Finrot is usually bacterial and can be cured with anti bacterial medication.

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Q: Does a dying betta fish lose its fins?
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Do betta fish lose their memory?

There are no published studies regarding betta fish memory at this point in time

Why do silver dollars Tropical fish lose there fins?

Often fish will 'nip' or bite off parts of the fins. Or you may have fin rot. If you only have a few (3-4) fish, they may be eating each others' fins. If your fish look sick, they need to have some medicine. Or if they are being kept with other fish or crabs or crayfish, they might be losing fin to them.

Are Betta fish color blind?

Typically a betta will increase in colour, and in some cases change colours somewhat as they age. If your betta begins to lose it's colour, check for water quality problems or an illness.

Why do male beta fish's fins fall off?

there is 1 reason that i know of is that older male bette's will lose there fins. "Dont wory they'll grow back"

How do you no when your fish is dying?

Before a Betta fish dies you will notice that it will try to swim but it will just float to the bottom of the tank and sort of be floating on its tail otherwise just lying on its side. You'll also notice that the Betta's gills will not be workaround its fins will not be working Betta Will be fighting for life but the Betta's muscles don't respond i noticed that my Betta tries to make a attempt to live but he just floats to the bottom waiting for death sorry your Betta may be doing this. You may notice that the Betta will try to swim up, it will not be able to do so and will float slowly down. The Betta may lose color around its gills and one or multiple fins may not be working. It may swim randomly at the bottom of the bowl almost looking like it is sleeping....but dreaming.

Why is your catfish losing its fins?

Fish can lose their fins in a fish tank for a few reason: 1. Water quality. If you have poor water quality or conditions which are incompatible with some catfishes needs then their skin can suffer. 2. Other fish Watch out for aggressive fish like gourami's and Tiger Barbs who will nip fishes fins, although I haven't actually heard them doing this to catfish.

Do goldfish naturally lose their fins?

no they don't loose there fins if they do they die.

Does a betta's fish tank with a light healthy for the betta?

Yes a light is healthy for a Betta, they need lights for warmth (the light will heat up the water) And Bettas get sick easily so without warm water they will get ill and lose there color and become a gray color.. Which is not pretty.

Do fighting fish ever lose part of their tails?

I did have a couple of fighting fish.. And i did notice they do loose a part of their tale.. it looks like a slit. I guess its natural OR They may also loose their tale by having a fight with another fish in the fish tank

What does it mean when the Siamese fighting fish lose their fins?

It means the fishes water is absolutely PUTRID and the ammonia in the water is dissolving the fishes fins. Please, for the fishes sake. Change the water NOW!! The basic rules for successful fish keeping are as follows. 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water.(a Betta needs at least 3 gallons of water) :- Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Keep to the above rules and your fish stand a chance of surviving. Fail to keep them and I can guarantee that your fish will get sick and die way before they should.

White dot under female betta?

The white dot means she is ready to breed. The white dot is where the eggs come out of. If you are in Chelmsford, MA, stop by Fins&Feathers Pet Store. They are the best! Just tell them Erin sent you. :)

Would a clown fish beat a betta fish in a fight?

If you are talking about the marine clownfish, they would not fight with a betta. It would be impossible to do. Bettas are freshwater fish. Clowns are saltwater, and do not fight readily. If you introduced a betta into the clown's tank the salt would rapidly kill the betta. If you put the clown into the betta's tank the betta would probably attack it but it would not fight back because it would be so weakened by the lack of salt. Fighting bettas is cruel anyhow. This is abuse of an animal's instinctive behavior and is invariably practised by people who do not know how to look after the fish and help them recover from their injuries. People who keep bettas for purposes other than fighting appreciate them for their spectacular beauty, intelligence and personality. Charles would lose against the clown fish, because he fights like a sissy!!!