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Absolutely. To quote another Wiki participant, "Man enough to make 'em, man enough to pay for 'em!"

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Q: Does a father on disability pays child support in rhode island?
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Does a father have to pay child support for a minor child that receives disability benefits?


What if a father is not proven to be the father until 28 years after the child is borncan he be sued for child support?

Only if the child has a severe disability.

Can social security help you get child support if the father gets disability?

No, but the child is potentially eligible for RSDI payments based on his disabled father's eligibility, and these payments would count toward the father's child support obligation.

Does the father of a disabled child have to pay child support the whole lives?

This can be the case yes depending on the disability, insurances etc.

Can a judge take VA disability compensation for back child support?

Yes. Disability of any sort is not exempt from attachment for child support and/or child support arrearages.

Will you still get child support payment if the father is on welfare?

Child support is calculated based on income of the father (or mother in such a case). If the father is unemployed his child support will still be calculated based on whatever minimum wage is in your state. The only time this does not apply is when the father is on disability. Welfare shouldn't matter.

Does the father if on disability still have to pay back child support?

If a child is receiving money from the government because one parent has a disability, chances are that the parent will not be expected to pay child support in addition to that money. The court order that is in place controls what happens regarding support.

Does a father have to pay child support when he is collecting disability?

He needs to file for a modification. See Dads House link below

Can ssi disability be taken for spousal support not child support?


Can the child support that the mother receives decrease if the father goes on long-term disability?

yes, to the amount of the SSD child benefit check. see links below

In Mississippi if a father has been court ordered to pay child support and later gets on disability does he still have to pay child support?

It will need to be modified, but if he goes on SSD, there's a separate child benefit check. If SSI, no as SSI is not attachable for child support, so the obligation will be suspended.

Do you need to pay a percentage of child support from your VA disability in the state of Wisconsin?

VA disability is considered income for child support purposesso you would need to pay child support out of it unless a judge determines otherwise.