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Child support is calculated based on income of the father (or mother in such a case). If the father is unemployed his child support will still be calculated based on whatever minimum wage is in your state. The only time this does not apply is when the father is on disability. Welfare shouldn't matter.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

yes, the father has to continue paying child support even if he doesn't see the child. the father can put in a request to the courts in the state where child support has been established to have visitations enforced by the courts.

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βˆ™ 18y ago

You may get some support from the state aid programs.

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Q: Will you still get child support payment if the father is on welfare?
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If you're in the US, no, a child cannot sue his parent for child support (payment for child support is not due to the child).

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The welfare payment will be affected only if the court awards maintenance.

Can a person receive a welfare check and child support at the same time in the state of Massachusetts?

no, you give up your claim for support by filing for Welfare. That is why most tell the father to just pay them cash, than tell welfare that they don't know where the father is, or who. When ush comes to shove, the father is the one punished, not her.

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As long as you're not on Welfare, contact child support enforcement.

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Yes, if the father has more time with the child than the mother, she will owe him child support.

In the state of Missouri if he doesn't pay into child support will i still receive my monthly payment?

From Welfare.

If you have a baby and are welfare in ny state do you have to apply for child support against the father?

No, as they do it.

If you are on section 8 does that automatically put father on child support?

No, as that is a separate commission from Welfare.

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Although a father has a moral obligation to support his child he is not legally responsible for payment until there has been a support order issued by the court.

If the father is paying child support then he goes to prison is there any help for the mother?

Only Welfare