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If you're in the US, no, a child cannot sue his parent for child support (payment for child support is not due to the child).

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Q: Can you sue your biological father for back child support if your mother received welfare?
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Can a person receive a welfare check and child support at the same time in the state of Massachusetts?

no, you give up your claim for support by filing for Welfare. That is why most tell the father to just pay them cash, than tell welfare that they don't know where the father is, or who. When ush comes to shove, the father is the one punished, not her.

Can a child get child support from biological father and have your new partners name what can you do?

A child does not have to have the same last name as the biological father to receive child support from that father.

Who pays child support when the father is married to another woman?

Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.

If i received child support from someone who wasnt my biological father and just found out about my biological father can i get back child support from him since he decieded i wasnt his obligation?

You are not the one to get child support all over again, but the man who has been paying wrongly all these year is entitled to get his money back from your biological father. He have to sue him for that. You have been paid for and supported already. If you are not of legal age yet and is entitled to child support you have to have a DNA test or something proving he is your biological father so you can take him to court so he can pay for you the years left until you are an adult.

Do you have a form in Arkansas to declare child abandonment against the biological father?

no you just take him in to welfare

Is biological father liable for child support if the mother got married before the birth of the child?

Yes , the biological father will be held legally responsible for the support of his child .

Can a mother claim support from the biological father and the step father for the same child?

A step father has no legal obligation to support a step child.

When you ask for child support and the father is married do they combin the both of there income?

No, only the biological father will be assessed child support.

Child support end if you get back with the father?

As long as you're not on Welfare, contact child support enforcement.

If you have a baby and are welfare in ny state do you have to apply for child support against the father?

No, as they do it.

What happens if non biological father paid child support due to mother not knowing who the father is?

Not sure what a "non biological father" is, but the only thing that could happen is that the (former) payor is excused from paying future support. He cannot recover the support already paid.

Will a spouse be responsible for child support if the child was conceive during the marriage?

Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.