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A gamete receives one of two genes from one parent and one of two genes from the other parent.

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Q: Does a gamete only receive one allele or another from a pair?
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Which is the FALSE statement a Phenotype determines genotype b Combination of alleles are known as genotype c A gamete will only receive one allele or another from a pair?

A. Because it goes like this: Phenotype = Genotype + developement.

Why does a pea pollen grain contain only one flower colour allele?

Because during gamete formation,one member of the allelic pair separates from one another to form the genetic constitution of the gamete (the gene responsible for flower colour of the allele will occur singly due the separation of the members of the allelic pair).

That each gamete contains a single allele of the eye color gene is an illustration of?

Mendels laws of segregation only

What process causes gametes to have only one allele?

In sexual reproduction each parent contributes only one allele to the offspring. This is why meiosis takes diploid cells and makes them haploid. The process meiosis separates the homologous pairs, separating the alleles from each other. Thus, each gamete produced has only one allele for each trait. When the male gamete (sperm) fuses with the female gamete (egg) and fertilization takes place, the resulting zygote has two alleles; one from the father and one from the mother.

A gamete contains how many allele?

There is only one allele for each trait that goes into a gamete. This happens after meiosis as well. This process allows for DNA to be the same over time as reproduction continues.

What is a Reciessive form of an allele?

A recessive form of an allele is one that is only expressed in the presence of another recessive allele.

Can an organism with a Gg genotype produce gametes with either the dominant or recessive allele in equal amounts?

Yes. Remember that a heterozygote can produce two types of gametes. In this case, the unknown would produce gametes with the dominant allele A or the recessive allele a. The homozygous recessive would still only produce one kind gamete, with the recessive a allele. Therefore, we expect to see only two genotypes in the F1, Aa and aa, in equal proportions.

When one allele shows dominance over another allele?

When one allele shows dominance over another it is masking the expression of the other allele which is called "recessive".The word for this is complete dominance.

The two alleles for a trait seperate when gametes are formed?

Yes, since a gamete is haploid and carries only one chromosome with that allele in question on it. This is called the law of segregation.

Describe the relationship between dominant and recessive trait forms?

 The relationship between Dominant and recessive trait forms is simple a dominant trait is an allele that hides or masks another allele. While a recessive trait is the allele that is hidden or masked by another allele such as the dominant trait, the recessive trait is ONLY expressed when two copies of the recessive allele are present.

What is the difference between a gamete and a spore?

gamete- a sex cell with half the total chromozomes which needs to meet another gamete to start a lifespore- asexual reproduction unit with has a full set of cromozomes and can germinate to become a normal being, usually it is more hardy and is used to survive harsh conditions like winter or summer The difference between a gamete and a spore : - a gamete can be either a gamete male, or a gamete female. And to become a Plantae, both are needed, - a spore isn't male or female, that's why, he only needs his-self to become a plantae (or a mushrom)

Which cell contains only one sex chromosome?

Gamete Cells Novanet Swag