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Yes, a goldfish is actually a carp which is a bony fish.


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Yes, since they are part of the phylum osteichthys, meaning bone-fish, they do indeed have bones. No matter how miniscule. So yes this fish does have bones.

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14y ago

Yes, goldfish have bones.

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Q: Does a goldfish have bones
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Does a goldfish have a backbone?

Yes because it is a vertebrate There are five types of vertebrates, and goldfish belongs to 'fish'. As it is a vertebrate, it has a backbone.

How many bones do goldfish have in their body?

The skeletal system of a goldfish is made up of small bones and cartilage, but it does not have hardly any bigger bones, and it is hard to tell how many there are. There are 3 main muscles in the muscular system.

How many bones are in a goldfish?

The skeletal system of a goldfish is made up of small bones and cartilage, but it does not have hardly any bigger bones, and it is hard to tell how many there are. There are 3 main muscles in the muscular system.

How many bones do goldfish have?

i don't really think that they have bones its more like cartilage, the stuff that makes up your nose i believe

How many fins do goldfish have?

A goldfish has about 1,500 bones inside of it.

Describe the structure of bones and explain how they are held together to form the skeletal system?

I was coming here to find the answer but Im going to ask my goldfish

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

What kind of fish is a goldfish?

the gold kind??A gold fish is the result of a 1000 years of domesticating by the Chinese mainly during the tang dynasty of the Prussian carp carp which can only be found in China, and are still the goldfish closest relatives. All goldfish are in the family cyprinidae commonly known as the carp family, which en-composes carp, koi, goldfish, the true minnow, and barbs. It is the largest freshwater fish family containing over 2,400 species. There are over 200 different types of goldfish alone, due to the lucrative aquarium hobby.

Can you put a frog in an aquarium with a goldfish?

No you cannot put a frog with goldfish; goldfish belong with goldfish

What is the plural noun for goldfish?

The plural of goldfish is goldfish. It is the same as the singular.

How may legs does a goldfish have?

Goldfish do not have legs. Goldfish do have fins, although the number of fins will depend on the type of goldfish.

Do goldfish have ears?

Yes they do but not like you and I. They have internal ear bones called an otolith that can feel vibrations. Avoid tapping on the glass since it will stress or even kill them.yes. of course they do. why not?