

Does a lemonade diet actually help you lose weight?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, a healthy balance between diet and exersize and healthy lifestyle is what helps you lose weight, none of these fad diets will actually help you in the long run and can actually sometimes do damage

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Q: Does a lemonade diet actually help you lose weight?
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Where can one find information on the Lemonade Diet?

The Lemonade Diet also known as the Master Cleanse or Maple Syrup Diet is a detoxifying and fasting diet and has been around for over 50 years. One can look at Web MD, The Lemonade Site, The Lemonade Diet, and Wikipedia for information on the Lemonade Diet.

Where can I find out more about lemonade diet?

You can go online for the lemonade diet. You can also consult a nutritionist on information about a lemonade diet. Probably the best way to learn more about this diet is in a bookstore. Bookstores have aisles of self-help books, many of them books dedicated to dieting.

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try drinking lemonade it sure did help me

How effective is the lemonade cleansing diet?

You should first consult a doctor about starting any diet. Most fad diets like the lemonade cleanse are short lived. A nutritionist will be able to help you get a start on any diet.

Are there any websites that can help me find cheaters diet?

There are actually no such site or diet. Cheating on your diet will not help you reach your goal and it shouldn't be done if you are willing to lose weight by going on a diet. Try looking for less strict diets instead.

Is a lemonade diet really healthy?

The lemonade diet has been around for more than 50 years. The lemon diet can help you loose 20 pounds, cleanse your body, and boost energy in 10 days. The lemon diet can be very dangerous to your health because it is deficient in all the essential nutrients: calories, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and fat. 20 pounds is alot of weight to loose in 10 days especially without any exercise. While on this diet you are basically starving yourself to loose weight.

Can listening to weight loss tapes help me achieve my weight loss goals?

While they may help with your motivation, they will not assist in any way to actually help with weight loss. Diet and exercise are the best and most effective way to lose weight.

Does the sonoma diet actually work?

No diet works, unless you eat healthy and exercise. The Sonoma Diet is like many others that claim to help people lose weight, but in reality it is not realistic.

Do free diet plans really help you lose weight and keep the weight off?

Free diet plans do help you lose weight and keep the weight off, they work just like "pay" diet plan. The key to these diet is you have to follow the instruction and keep doing it till you reach your weight goal.

Will a no carb diet plan help me lose weight?

Yes, no carb diet plan can help you lose weight. Cutting sugars and starches out of your meals will help with weight loss. These diets focus more on vegetables.

Is weight loss detoxification safe?

Weight loss detoxification is actually very important for cleansing the body and can help to jump start any diet. You should always contact your doctor first though before performing any detox or starting a diet.